Chapter 6

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All his life, Kaiden dreamed of finding his mate. His mother used to tell him stories all the time about the great alpha and their mates. He would alway pretend that he hated them, that the stories she told him were yucky. Now that he had a mate himself, he understood the allure.

Kaiden rarely talked to his mother anymore. After Alpha Crow went insane and died, Kaiden's mother never acted the same way again. She had changed and it was awkward talking to her, after everything they had been through.

 Kaiden thought that his mother hated knowing that she would lose her son the same way she lost her husband. Kaiden clenched his fists, remembering the way his father and mother surrounded him one night. Instead of telling Kaiden the story of mates. They told him the story of Crow Pack and the truth about his nature as Alpha.

Once upon a time, there was a girl of silver who cursed the Alpha of Crow Pack. When he found his mate, his clock would wind down until his wolf drowned and a crow emerged from the wreckage. That infliction scared him more than ever about mate. Yet his mother and father were so happy together... until his father's time began to run out.

Kaiden closed his eyes as fights between his parents flashed through his eyes. At first, his father tried to trick the curse. He mated with another female and the curse got worse. Mother tried to help father out but nothing worked and a perpetual shadow seemed to overhang Kaiden's childhood. His mother kept him close and warm. Her scent was the only comforting thing as his father deteriorated.

When Kaiden was ten years old, he kissed his father on the cheek and left for school. He never saw his father again. Alpha Crow had left the pack in the hands of Kaiden and his mother. Kaiden would make his father proud.

Nine months later, he was blessed with a little sister. She was Kaiden's pride and joy. He no longer felt alone. Even though his mother seemed to hate the girl and other female seemed to hate him, he and his sister were best friends.

He taught her how to control the wolf inside and she taught him how to laugh again. Imagine their mothers' surprise when they found the half siblings hanging from a tree, laughing with mud all over their face in the middle of the backyard.

She was only eight when she disappeared. Her school had gone on a hunting trip and she had wandered away. When Kaiden got the call from his mother that his little sister was gone, he had skipped school and went out with search parties to look for her. Betrayal cut through his heart and tore it to shreds when he learned where his little sister was. 

For two years, she had been held under his nose in Triton Pack prison. Never had Kaiden felt such fury, a trait that his entire family felt. The pup of the family had been sitting in a cell for two years rotting!

Just as Kaiden organized a few people to go get her, he felt the bond that held his sister to Crow Pack break. The pup of his family was dead and he had no answers. So he left for the Triton pack to confront the Alpha.

When he got to the border of the pack, his wolf became agitated, pacing back and forth in Kaiden's head. Taking his wolf's warning, he scanned the school area for any possible danger. His body froze though when his eyes landed on a beautiful girl with long wavy brown hair and hazel eyes.

Warmth and surprise floods his body with happiness. This was her.

This was his mate.

He had found her but at a terrible time.

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