Chapter 33

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(A/N Man 33 chapters well one of my favorite books is 72~ MORE CHAPTERS MORE FUN!!!)

Deku P.O.V.

I smiled awkwardly as Kacchan talked to his uncle. Soon he left and I let out a breath of relief.

"He'll check up on us in a few days." he said and I nodded. I look outside and see the setting Sun. I hear Kacchan's uncle's car drive away. I grab Kacchan's hand and run outside onto the sand. He laughed as I ran to the edge of the water. I stare at the water which was turning orange from the setting Sun.

"It's so pretty..." I said.

"You sound like a cliche girl." he said laughing. I elbow him sharply in the side, "One with a boney elbow." I let go of his hand and shove him playfully. He laughs and runs at me. He picks me up by my waist and hold me in his strong arms.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss the top of his head. He then drops me lightly. He looks down at me happily. I haven't seen Kacchan smile so brightly. Usually its just a sneer or a small smirk. Smiles happen but never this wide.

I pull him down by the neck and kiss him deeply. After a few seconds I pull away. I walk back from him and stare at the water. I smile and begin to unbutton my shirt. His eyes widen and I laugh.

"Going pretty fast already?" he said and I laugh.

I then unbutton my pants and pull them off. I stand in my boxers and run into the water. Kacchan snaps out of his daze and pull off his shirt. Halfway to the water he pulled off his pants.  

I fall back into the warm water. I sit in the water. The water going a bit below my shoulders. Kacchan wads through the water to me. He then kneels down by me. 

"And I thought I was getting somewhere." he said giving me a quick kiss.

"If you meant getting to swim then yes." I tell him and he laughs at me. I pull him down into the water. He splashes me and I laugh and splash him back. Soon we were having a water fight like couple of six year olds. 

Soon we were in the shallower waters, me leaning back on my arms. He sat next to me. 

I look at him, he was still smiling at me. His hair was still spikey but dripping wet. He moved closer to me. Putting his wet hand on the side of my face. He pulls me close and kisses me softly. I put one of my hands on his bare chest. He smiled and kisses me harder.  I move my other hand to the back of his head. Him grabbing me closer by my waist. Right above the hem of my boxers. When he pulled away I looked into his eyes.

They were filled with love. I kiss the tip of his nose. He rubs my back and I rub my head under his chin. My chin on his chest. I kiss his neck softly. I tasted salty from the water. 

"Man you're saltier than usual." I tell him. I stares down at me laughing.

"Wow...just got to insult me." he said. I giggle and kiss his neck again.

"Sorry." he rubs my back.

"I love you Deku." he told me. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tightly.

"I love you too. More than you know." I tell him. I pull away slightly and kiss his mouth softly. After a bit of sitting in the water holding each other we decided to get out. The Sun had almost completely set. The water turning dark. 

We go back up to the house and dry off. Laying our sandy clothes on the porch next to our drying ones. We just lay on the couch again. Our towels hanging over our shoulders. Kacchan had an arm wrapped around my bare waist. 

I lean my head on his just. Humming happily, listening to his quiet heartbeat.

I soon fell asleep to the soft sound.

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