Chapter 9

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Deku P.O.V.

I stared at the message. I didn't respond. I couldn't. Kacchan broke up with me. Tears started to fall. Not the happy ones I've been having lately with Kacchan. But sadness.

I couldn't stop it. I cries turned to sobs. I prayed that Kacchan would message back saying something like, Kidding idiot! But none came.

I couldn't stop crying. Why did he all of a sudden want to break up with me? What did I do?

Kacchan P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that I sent that text. He cheated on ME. He probably felt relieved that he had one less boyfriend to worry about. I was still angry. But I was calming down. I was still crying though.

I stayed in my house the rest of the weekend. I couldn't stop the pain in my chest. I then realized I'd have to face Deku at school. 

Deku P.O.V.

It was Monday. I didn't want to go. But I missed too much last week. So I went. I was scared to see Kacchan. Scared I'd start crying. 

I was in the shoe locker room with Iida and Ochako. Iida went inside to be in class early. Soon it was only Ochako and me in there.

"Are you alright?" Ochako asked after Iida left. I looked at her and shook my head. Feeling if I said anything I'd break down.

"What happened?" She asked extremely worried. I looked up at her.

"M-me and K-kacchan broke up." I said starting to cry a bit. She pulled me in for a tight hug that I needed. I was happy she knew about Kacchan and me. I had her to comfort me. But I wish I had Kacchan...

Kacchan P.O.V.

  "M-me and K-kacchan broke up." I heard as I came into the locker room late. I look to see Deku crying with the Ochako girl supporting him. I slip past them quickly after hearing that.

Did I hurt Deku that bad?

NO! He hurt me first! He was the one who cheated on me! He shouldn't be acting all sad. But I wish I was there to stop his tears. I want to be with Deku. But if he was going to be a cheater then...

I miss Deku.


Class was tense. Deku and I didn't give each other the slightest glance. We must've been both scared of how we'd act. 

Soon I had finally gotten out of school. I started walking home when Ochako stopped me. 

"Why did you break up with Deku?" she said angrily.

"None of your business." I said quietly. She seemed startled at my change in tone. I then tried to get past her, but she wouldn't move.

"Deku's my friend so yes it is! You can't just all of a sudden break up with some one for no reason! It couldn't be Deku's personality he's personally too good for you-

"He cheated on me." I cut her off. She stood there in shock. I walked past her then. She then pulled out her phone. I looked back and all I heard was her yell, "Deku!"

I made my way home. My parents were working late so I was alone. I soon heard the doorbell ring. I slowly walk down the stairs.

I open the door to see Deku.

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