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Part 18

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It was really hard to left Kensi. To saw her crying so much let my heart beating. During the drive with the taxi I cryed because my heart hurt so much. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile and her laugh...everything. Indside of me was so much pain. I missed her so much after this short time. O was so worried about her. What will happen when the next bad dream come? Or when her pain is so strong like yesterday? My brain was racing very fast. But I knew she has a part of me. I meant the bracelet. It was a gift from my mom...the last from her. After she gave me this I have never seen her anymore. I weard it everyday in my life since she left me. But I gave it to Kensi and I knew it was right. I want that she has something very special from me. To show her again how much I love her. And my love to her was stronger as my will to live. My relationship was destroyed from the taxi driver. "Ok we are here." I frightened because it was very suddenly. I paid the money and went out of the taxi.

Kensi pov

I was laying down there. Crying and quietly screaming. I was broken. I couldn't stop crying. It felt like my soul and my heart was burning. I tooked Deeks' bracelet and put it around my arm and pulled it so close as possible to my heart. It meant a lot to me that he gave me this because I knew how much it mean to him. After a while someone knocked at the door. "Hey...Kens are you ok?" I couldn't stop crying. Sam opened the door carefully and closed it behind him. He came dowm to me and touched my shoulder. "Hey...Kens...I kenw it hurt..." I tried but I couldn't stop. He pulled me to his body and hugged me very strong. He strocked my hair and my head friendly. "Shhh..." After a long time we were there down I calmed down a little bit. He embraced me all the time and after a long time I was compleatly calmed down. "Are you ok?" I nodded as answere and Sam helped me to stand up. He looked me deep in the eyes. " I am here for you." He smiled his typical Sam smile which alwaya make me smile to. He took my hand and painfully I went back to work with him.

Deeks pov

After I went out of the taxi, an Agent from Faluja was there waiting for me. "Hello Det. Deeks our plane starts in a few minutes." "Emmm...yeah ok." I was still sad. He helped me with my bags and we went into the plane. We flew about six hours and I was still thinking about Kensi...all the time. It all hurt so much...I haven't known that a person could feel so much pain in his heart. I burned from the middel trough my whole body. I missed her so much. And I knew that I will miss her very much more in a few minutes, hours and days. "Deeks hey you are can stand up." I was so sunk in my mind that I didn't hear Callens voice at the first time. "Oh...yeah ok..." I went out of the plane and here in Faluja it was very hot. "So how are you?" I looked at him and noticed that he knew that I didn't feel good. "I am fine!" "Kensi always says that when she's not." To heard her name gave mz heart a very terrible stitch. "Okay...the truth is...I am terrible." Callen touched friendly my shoulder. "Come on we have a lot of work to may will brings you on othere feelings."

Kensi pov

"Did you find something new out?" Granger looked at me and Sam and at this moment I really wasn't able to speak. " but the new files came in a few minutes...and these are a lot of files." Granger looked at me with a very worried and cold face. Short after Sam finished his sentence the man who brings the files came into our working room. We all started to work because these were really a lot of files. I couldn't stop thinking about Deeks. My heart and my soul was still burnig. I felt like I had a throat cut or something like this because mz throat was burning and hurt very terrible. Ater manz hours I get an SMS on my phone. I tooked it out and noticed that she was from Sam. He wrote that Callen told Deeks that we have only five minutes to speak. I looked at Sam and he looked at me too. I quietly whispered "Thank you" and said to Granger and Salbatino that I needed a pee.

Deeks pov

We droved the whole day through the city and asked people who knew something about the Taliban some questions about Anna Morgan and Jacob Morgan. But we badly found out nothing. And this was really bad because it means that we had to stay longer there. When we came to our resting place Callen grabbed my arm. I looked at him and he smiled. "Hey took this hany and call the numer 366999...but be quick you have only five minutes." I looked wondered at him but I took the phone, went in a cornor of our tent where we took rest and called the number.

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