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Part 32

Deeks pov

I was waiting a long time byt Kensi didn't come. After a while my fear was back. I was really afraid of her because of what happened to her the last weeks. I quickly ran out of the house and took my gun out. I was really quite because I didn't know if there was another person too. I always whispered. "Kensi? Kens...where are you? Are you here? Kensi?" I came closer to my car and looked trough the door carefully. But Kensi wasn't there. I spoke louder. "Kensi...where are you?" No answere. I opend the door but the car chair was empty. I searched in the whole car and near my house after her. But I didn't found her. After a while I stood still and was shocked. My heart was beating so fast that I couldn't breathe. My thorat felt like cut and it hurt very much. I saw a third brown letter. But at this time there was only one name who stood on it. Det Deeks.

Kensi pov

I was on the beach after I ran away from Deeks' home. I was so shocked about the letter. I knew that Deeks was there for me and he always will be but my fear was so big at this moment. I had so many thoughts abaout what may could stood in the letter and nothing about it was good. My heart was beating so fast and my brain raced all the time. All the memories came back...the kidnapping, the nightmares and the blood...everything. After a while without breathing I opened the letter. Hello Agent Blye. I think you have seen that this letter is only adressed to you. So...I have to tell you something. I think you and your partner didn't understand my first writing to you. I said that if you don't do my exercise to you right something bad will happen to someone you love. And I said too that you two should kill Jack Roden. But the only thing you did was to warn Jack Roden about my plans. And this was a big fault. And I think you knows that best. I hope I didn't scare you too much with my little painting on you. So I really hope that this was a little teaching for you two. what I tell you! Without any incidents.

My breath stoped again.

Deeks pov

I was so shocked at this moment. I couldn't explain where Kensi is. I was just standing there in front of my little flat, with the brown letter who's only adress to me and without Kensi. In my thoughts were all the thing which may could happen to Kensi. I was so terrible. My brainracing was destroyed from the rang of my phone. I got a new text message.

Hey Deeks...sorry that I ran away. I know that you are here for me all the time and I just wanted you to say that I am here for you too. I am going to explain it to you in a few minutes when I am here. I love you...

At the same time when I just finished the message from Kensi, beautiful hands covered my eyes. Some started softly kissing my neck.

Kensi pov

Deeks smiled and turned around. He touched my face and pulled my forehead so close as possible to his. "Where have you been?" I gave him a short kiss before I started to spoke. "I am so sorry Deeks..." He kissed me back and hugged me. He touched my hand and we went into his home. We took seat on his sofa and he was holding my hand all the time. I pulled out the letter and showed it to him. "I found this when I was outside...and I was so shocked that I ran down to the beach and just...I red it and..." Deeks pulled me closer to him. "I is it a new exercise?" I nodded sideways to said "no". I gave him the letter to read and after he finished he hugged me so strong it was possible. "I love you so much!" He kissed my neck and I felt so good. I was very happy about the thing that he wasn't anry with me. I felt how the butterflys started to flew wild around again. My brain and my heart were both endless filled with love. The heat completely filled out my body so that he tingled all the time.

Deeks pov

I was so happy that it wasn't a new exercise in the letter. I kissed her on her awsome smiling mouth and started strocking her body and she did the same with mine. "I love you two..." I kissed her again and again and my feelings were so strong at this moment. After a perfect while with kissing and strocking I remembered my letter. At first I decided not to show it to Kensi because I didn't know what stood in there. Because when it has something to do with her it may could happen something really bad. After a while I looked at my watch and noticed that it was already 7.30pm and we had to drove back to the NCIS. I kissed her one last time and strocked her hair. She looked so awsome. So awsome as always. She is my girl. Only my one love...forever.

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