I am here with you

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Part 5

Deeks pov

Kensi was spit a lot of blood and after that she was unconscious. "Kensi....come on...please weak up! Kens I need you please can you hear me?" But there was no answereing. I started crying and my fear about her was bigger than ever. I started to superior how I could made me free from the handcuffs. I explored the metal and than I remembered the lighter in the bag on the right side of my smoking. I tried to reach it with my left hand and it worked. I put the fire under the metal ring and the handcuffs and they both began to melt. I runned to Kensi and turned her around so that she was laying on her back. On her head was a lot of blood and so on her whole body too. I tried to do the same with her handcuff on her feet but this metal was stronger and so it didn't work. I held her head softly in my hands and sat down on the matress. I put her body so close as it was posdible to mine like that ger gead was on my brust and my arms were around her brust. With my hand I strocked her head and kissed it. I felt it when the tears in her eyes fell down on my arm. That made me crying again. After a while she woke up with a terrible pain and she spit a lot of blood again and I held ger hair away. "Kensi...Kensi it's ok. I am here.  Shhh...all will be ok." I kissed her head again and her arms arounded mines in the front of her brust.

Kensi pov

"I am here ok?..." "Ewww..." "What hurts the most on your body?" "My...stomach...Deeks..." "Hey it's ok...I will take a look on it ok? When I hurt you say it ok? Promise me that." "Mhhh..." He looked at my stomach and tears runned out of his eyes. "Omg Kensi there is a terrible burn..." His arms arounded me harder and I really liked it because it gave me the feeling "You are save". We were laying there together and after a while Deeks becam an idea. "The phone...in my jacket..." "What?" "Erica gave me a second mobile phone a small once and it's here." He tooked it out. "It's working. What?" "What happened Deeks?" Her voice was very weak. "We only could write a text message with twelfe letters." "Write our coordinates..." "Kens it's great..." He started to write it and sent the message away. We were waiting together in our arms. After a while he started to spoke."Ok I am sure that they will be here in a few minutes."

Deeks pov

"Deeks...I am so tired...I can't" "No no Kensi please hold on...please I love you so much. I need you please don't die...please! " This was the first time I said it to her. My heart was beating und burnig at the same time. I cryed really hard and tooked her body closer and closer to mine. Inside my body was fire. It hurt so much to saw her this way. I looked her in her face and her eyes were closing themselves. "No Kensi no!" I kissed her on her mouth with many tears in the eyes. "Don't die please...don't..." Her eyes were already closed. I tried didn't start cryinging again but I couldn't. I touched her heart with my hand. Her heart was already beating. I didn't took my hand away because I was so afraid of when I do it her heart will may stop beating. So we were laying there together on a dirty white matress and Kensi's body was bloodstorming. I cryed and cryed and kissed her head and strocked it with one hand on her heart. She was laying in my arms and they arounded her body and her arms arounded mines. After a while I heared shots and a few minites later the door to the dark and dirty room we were in just opened. I was so glad that someone came to help us. "Hey are you ok?" Sam runned to us and looked at me. "Yes...no I am but Kensi..." I started crying again. He touched my shoulder and looked at me with his "It's ok. You two are save now" face. When he looked accurate at Kensi he was very scared. I haven't seen him bevore like this. He had tears in the eyes and inside of him he must be very strong to didn't cry. "Omg...Kens...what did they do to you?" He touched her head very carefully and when he let it go on his hand were a lot of blood. Callen came to us and was very scared to. But he wasn't so strong like Sam. He started to cry too. "G. call the ambulance quickly." Callen went out of the room very quick and called the ambulance. "Hey Deeks the ambulance is comming ok? They are here soon. It all will be ok." He looked at me. The tears in his eyes were already there.

"And what's with...Kensi?" One tear rolled down his jaw. "Emmm...I think she will be ok too. I am sure she will ok? You both will." That gave me a little hope. "Sam....Sam!" "What? What happened?" "Kensi! Her heart stopped beating! Kensi...no! No!" We pulled her down on the matress and I started to resuciate her with a mouth to mouth respiration and a heart pressure massage. I started crying so hard and I screamed her name again and again. "The ambulance is here. What happend? Kensi?!" The ambulance came through the door. "Ok...we are here you have to go so that we can rescue your partner." "Ohhh....Kensi please, please open you eyes and make your heart beating please!" Deeks didn't stop to resuciate her. "Hey Deeks!" Sam spoke to me but I didn't stop. He runned to me and touched my shoulder. "Deeks please let them do their job. Let them rescue Kensi." "But I promised her to be with her..." "I know that and she knows that too." So I gave her a last kiss on her head because I didn't want that Callen and Sam saw us because I didn't know if it's alright for Kensi. I stood up and looked at the ambulance. The tooked out their resuscitation kit. They started resuciate her with the electro pedals. Her body looked so dead. Her lipps were very blue and her skin was pale. Now I cryed harder again. "No no no why is there no signal?" "No Kens no...!" I runned to her but Sam and Callen had to hold me but I tried pulling me away again and again. "Kensi! No!" They tooked her on a hospital wear and brought her to the ambulance car. "No...Kens...no!" All I could remember was that I felt a puncture in my neck and my eyes just closed themselves.

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