WAY - Chapter 13

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Selena's POV

"Hey Demi" I said as I walked up to Demi who was grabbing her books from her locker. She didn't reply so I leaned against the lockers so I was now looking at her face. "Hi" I smiled only to earn a glare from Demi.

"Oh come on now. Don't be like that" I sighed crossing my arms over my chest. "You ignored me for a month and accused me of being jealous for some stupid ass reason. I have every right to be like this" she snapped before slamming her locker shut and stomped away.

She's right. It's been a month since we've last spoken, when she warned me about Dylan. I just don't understand why she was so upset about it. I mean I came here to have a better life and so far it's going great. I have friends, I'm considered cool, I have a boyfriend. 

Yes, Dylan asked me out the night of the party when he dropped me off home and he's actually really sweet and funny and confident and cool and just so amazing. I don't know why people call him an ass because I know for sure that he's not. He's the sweetest guy I have ever met and I am so proud to call him my boyfriend. And if Demi won't accept that then that's fine with me.

"Hey Selly!" Gigi smiled walking up to me. "Hey Gigi" I smiled back before opening my locker. "So plans for tonight?" she asked me as I grabbed my history book for first period. "Nope. Why what do you have in mind?" I asked shutting my locker and we started to walk down the halls together.

"Well me and Cody are going out tonight to the fair that just opened up and we were wondering if maybe you and Dylan would like to join? We can even have Ariana and Nathan come too. And maybe Jasmine and Caitlin. It'll be a group date! Plus Jasmine and Caitlin" she said then knotted her eyebrows together when she mentioned the last part making me laugh.

"I don't know. If Dylan is cool with it. I mean it sounds like a lot of fun" I smiled as we reached my history class. "Alright cool. Well ask Dylan and text me k?" she said before walking away leaving me chuckling to myself. "Alright see ya!" I shouted back to her only for her to stick up her two fingers making a peace sign with her back still facing me making me laugh again before I walked into class to see Jason speaking to the teacher.

"Good morning Miss. Gomez" Mrs. Patterson smiled as I sat down at my seat. "Morning Miss" I replied taking out my phone to text Dylan to tell him I was already in class.

"Let me guess, you're ignoring me too?" I asked Jason as I turned in my seat to face him as he was sitting right behind me. To answer my question, he simply buried his head into his sweater sleeves without saying a word.

"Why do you always wear a sweater? I have never seen you without a sweater" I asked him out of no where. I noticed he always wore long sleeves shirts or sweaters. Wait, no? Could he? No.

When he didn't reply, I decided to ask him being straight forward with it. "You don't cut do you?" I whispered when suddenly the bell rang and people began to fill the room.

Justin's POV

"Why do you always wear a sweater?" Selena asked making me confused to why she would ask me such a random question. Before I could even raise my head to answer, or at least reply, she quickly whispered another question.

"You don't cut do you?" she asked when the bell cut me off before I could even yell 'no'. Of course I don't cut. I'm not depressed! I'm just pissed at her for being a total bitch. She seemed to be the sweetest girl you could ever meet at first but then ever since the party last month, she's been hanging out with that piece of shit and his fake ass friends and they started to rub off on her.

And when I brought this up with my mother the other day when she came to visit me, she told me that, that's exactly what happened with me.

After carefully thinking about it, I realized she was right. I used to be so kind and caring and then I started hanging out with Twist and Za and Kyle and my life just became all fucked up because they helped me realize that people just wanted to see me fall and that's exactly what I did.

I've been talking to Ryan and Chaz a lot this past month though. But we're not exactly friends, more like school friends who only talk during class. I'm trying to keep myself away from making actual friends right now.

When I told my mom I finally realized what went wrong in my life and how I knew what to do to fix it, she suggested I stayed here for a little longer since it has only been a month. And I didn't argue. I needed to be here. I just didn't know why I needed to be here exactly. 

Part of me wants to say Selena but another part of me wants to make things right between me and Ryan and Chaz. And then there's that one part of me that just wants to stay normal, and have a normal life, and not have to deal with the world anymore.

"So Gigi wants to know if we would go to the fair with her and Cody tonight and maybe some other people" I heard Selena ask Dylan making me snap out of my thoughts. "Sure if that's what you want to do tonight. I mean I had other plans but you know, whatever makes you happy" Dylan smirked back at her. Ugh. Let me kill him now. Wait, why did I say that?

"Cause you like her" K seriously, no one asked you. "Shut up dork you know you love her" Love? No no no. No love. Like, maybe. Love? No. "Don't lie. It's not nice" Seriously shut up.

"Well now I'm liking your plans better but the fair actually sounds fun too" Selena replied I can obviously tell they're talking about sex. But seriously, can you please not talk about your sex life in front of me? Thanks.

"Well you know, we could go to the fair then leave early and go back to my place and we could finish our night there" Dylan smirked again making me want to throw up. Jesus Christ. Is this seriously how I sounded with all those one night stands?

Alright I'm putting my headphones in now.

hehehe Justin's getting jealous XD

so the fair eh?


-Maddie <3

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