WAY - Chapter 17

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Selena's POV

Ugh. Monday. I hit the snooze button on my phone before throwing my covers to the side and swung my legs over the side of my bed, stretching them in front of me as my arms stretched in the air. 

"Morning Jason" I called out even though I didn't look at him. I knew he had his window opened since we both opened our windows last night letting in the cool air. "Jesus Christ!" I heard him scream making me look in his direction but his figure didn't come into my view until a few seconds later with him wearing the same grey sweater he wore on Saturday and his hoodie over his head. 

"Don't scare me like that" he warned putting his hand to his chest as he was now standing in front of his window and I noticed he didn't have a shirt on since his bare chest was sticking out. "What? Afraid I might see your non-existant abs?" I smirked at him only to earn a small glare. 

"I have abs FYI" he rolled his eyes making me laugh when he said 'FYI'. "Of course you do" I chuckled softly with a hint of attitude. Suddenly, I saw him raise an eyebrow before he grabbed the hem of his sweater, slowly bringing it up revealing his fine toned abs. I couldn't help but gasp. 

I heard him chuckle before he dropped his sweater back down. "It's not nice to stare" he smirked before walking away from his window and out of my sight. 

Holy fucking shit. 

Jason Dale has nice abs. 


"Ms. Gomez!" I heard Mrs. Parkinson yell snapping me out of my thoughts. This has been going on all day and I have no idea why. "Are my lessons boring you?" she asked. "Well not the lessons in particular, just you" I replied with a slight smirk only to make the class laugh. 

"Funny. How would you like to stay after for detention and I can show you how boring I really am" she warned. "I'm good thanks" Hell no I don't want detention. After hearing her scuff, she returned to writing shit on the bored when suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate making me pull it out of my pocket. 

From: Jason Dale

Can't stop thinking about my abs? ;)

I raised my head with a straight face. I hope he can see my reaction right now. 

To: Jason Dale

I regret giving you my number now -.-

From: Jason Dale 

I love how you don't deny it though. Just admit it, you want me now ;)

To: Jason Dale

If only you didn't look like Justin Bieber... 

From: Jason Dale

What's wrong with that? Pretty sure most girls want Justin Bieber :)

To: Jason Dale

Most girls are either blind or stupid

From: Jason Dale

Stop lying. you want me AND Justin Bieber ;)

I raised my head once again only to make my mouth in a shape of an 'O', finally turning my head to look at him and I earned an actual wink from behind his nerdy glasses. 

To: Jason Dale

Shut up or I'll make my BOYFRIEND beat you up again. 

I turned my head to look at him only to see his face drop. Ok maybe that was a bit too far. 

To: Jason Dale


I look back him once again only to see him clench his jaw then tucked his phone back into his pocket. He never even looked up at me as he shoved his face into the crook of his sleeve. Yup. Definitely too far. Whatever. Like I care. 

Finally, the bell rang indicating school was over. Thank God. I gathered my things before heading out of class and straight to my locker where Dylan was waiting for me. 

"Hey babe" he smiled as I walked up to him. "Hey" I smiled back before leaning up to give him a peck on the lips. As I pulled away, I saw Jason making his way down the hallway. He was watching me and Dylan as I made eye contact with him the second I opened my eyes but only for him to break the gaze by looking down at the ground. 

Suddenly, as he was passing us, I saw his book flying through the air as his body fell face first into the floor making him lose his glasses along the way. Everyone that was in the hallway began to laugh but I stood there not saying anything. 

"Watch where you're going loser" Dylan snapped before laughing hysterically. So he tripped him? Oh Selena what are you doing?

I sighed before grabbing his glasses that were a few feet away knowing he wouldn't be able to see without them and walked back over to him, handing him the glasses, suddenly everyone else went silent. 

"Thanks" he mumbled confused. Trust me I don't know what the fuck I'm doing either. "No problem" I shot back before holding my hand out for him to take as he put his glasses back on. 

He looked at my hand before hesitantly taking it and I pulled him off the ground. "Next time, watch out for other people's feet" I told him before turning to face Dylan shooting him a glare. 

Jason nodded his head slightly before grabbing his books and his bag that had also fallen then made his way down the hallway and made a sharp turn, disappearing from everyone's sight. 

"Why the hell did you help him?" Dylan snapped as I turned to face him once again. "Because he never did anything to you so you don't have to be so hard on him" I replied quietly as I unlocked my locker and pulled it open. 

"So what? He's your friend now?" Dylan asked raising an eyebrow at me. "No. He's not my friend. I don't even talk to him. But that doesn't mean I'm going to beat him up for it" I snapped at him. Why am I getting so angry about this? 

"Fine. Whatever" Dylan scuffed before walking away from me. "Dylan" I called out in a sigh but he continued to walk away. "What was that all about?" Gigi asked suddenly coming up to me. "Nothing. Just, never mind" I sighed finally putting all of my books away but left my math book in my bag since me and Jason had tutoring tonight. 

"What that you helped out the nerd?" she laughed now leaning against the locker beside mine. "Trust me, he is not a nerd. He just looks like one" I chuckled, hoping she didn't get suspicious or anything. 

"Alrighty then. See you later I guess" she replied simply before walking away, shaking her hips as guys continued to stare at her ass. Seriously why is Cody even with her?

no hate to Gigi (actually yes I really don't like her what so ever) #sorrynotsorry 

but look at Selena being an ass to Justin then sticking up for him.... weird.... 

wont be updating for a while. exams start tomorrow and I still don't have internet and idk when i'm getting it back so see yall soon! XD

but omg my brother disconnected my phone and I'm so fucking pissed off like go suck a fucking dick -_-


-Maddie <3

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