WAY - Chapter 14

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Selena's POV

Finally, last period. Just 10 more minutes left in math class and I can finally go home. It's not that I hate math, I love math. It's the fact that I need to go home and get ready for the fair tonight. And I'm going to need to remind my mom to text me at 9:30 to tell me come home.

Dylan may be sweet and funny and absolutely amazing, but he still has a past with girls. And if I'm going to be his girlfriend, then we're gonna have sex eventually. I'm just ready yet. I'm still a virgin and I would like to keep it that way until I know I'm ready. I may be popular and all now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to fuck every guy I meet. 

"Miss. Gomez, Mr. Dale, may I speak to the two of you for a minute after class ends?" Miss. Parkinson asked as everyone began to get ready to leave. I nodded my head softly and looked at Jason confused who looked at me the same way.


"What's up Miss?" I asked as everyone left the class leaving me, Jason and the teacher. "Well, it seems that Jason is having some troubles with math. And you being one of the best students in this class, actually the whole school, I was hoping maybe you can help tutor him" she smiled softly as she looked in between me and Jason as we stood in front of her desk side by side.

"Umm, I guess I could help him out" I shrugged. "I don't need help. I'm fine with math I'm not stupid" Jason quickly snapped looking at me then to the teacher. "Jason you are failing this class with a 34%. And it's only October. I see you everyday trying to do your work. I'm sorry but I don't want to see you fall behind, you're a bright kid Jason" Miss. Parkinson said.

After a moment of silence, Jason finally spoke up. "Fine" Jason groaned finally giving in and we both walked out of class. Jason didn't even say a word as he continued to speed away from me. "Jason wait!" I called after him making him stop. "What?" he snapped turning around.

"Alright I get it you don't want to be tutored but you don't have to be an ass about it" I said crossing my arms across my chest. "I'm being an ass? Says that girl who talked to me two fucking times acting like my friend then completely ignored me for the past month because you're obviously too damn busy with your bitch ass friends and your 'oh so lovely' boyfriend" he snapped at me.

"I didn't think it would hurt you that much" I smirked up at him only to earn a scuff. "How's Demi by the way?" he asked and it was now his turn to smirk when my face dropped. "Yeah, that's what I thought" he chuckled with no humor in his voice before turning around and his figure faded as he stomped down the hallways. 

Justin's POV

Ok so maybe I was being a dick but she deserved it. Who does she think she is just agreeing to tutor me like it meant nothing when she's too god damn embarrassed to be even seen talking to me? Like no! 

Why am I so angry about this though?

Because you like her.

Oh fuck off!

"Hey sweetie. How was school?" my grandma asked as I walked in through the front door. The same thing she has been doing for the past month. But that's just how I know she still loves and cares for me. "Fine" I replied simply just like every other time before dropping my bag onto the floor and walked into the kitchen to grab a bag of chips from the cupboard.

"Oh oh. What happened?" my grandma sighed sitting down next to me at the breakfast bar making me chuckle as I opened the bag of Doritos. "So you know our neighbors daughter Selena?" I asked starting the conversation. "Oh yes. She's very beautiful and such a sweet girl" my grandma smiled at the thought of her.

"Yeah well think again. She turned into a total bi-bad person" I corrected myself as I remembered I was speaking to my grandmother. "Why would you think that?" my grandma asked. "Because. The only time she talks to me is through our windows where no one else can see and she hangs out with bad people and they do bad things and she acts like I don't exist" I sighed stuffing more chips into my mouth.

"Oh I see. You have a crush on her" my grandma smirked taking a chip from my bag. "That obvious?" I groaned. "Just a little" she laughed back at my response.

"So why the sudden anger today?" she asked me. "Because my math teacher is forcing her to tutor me and it made me angry" I told her trying not to swear no matter how bad I wanted to. "Oh thank the lord! You've always been terrible at math" she exclaimed making me gasp. "Have not!" I yelled defensively.

"No of course not. What was I thinking?" she replied sarcastically making me roll my eyes. "I'm not that bad" I mumbled under my breath.


"Sweetie could you get that?"my grandma asked. I groaned before getting up from the stool and made my way to the front door. "Selena?" I narrowed my eyebrows at Selena who was standing in front of me. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Listen tutoring can begin tomorrow. I'm not in the mood today" I told her before she could even speak. "Ok I get it I didn't talk to you that much and it obviously hurt your feelings but you still don't need to be a dick about it" she snapped rolling her eyes.

"And I came to tell you that I'm gonna come by tomorrow for tutoring since I have plans tonight" Selena said. "Oh yeah. You have your sex date with Donald tonight right?" I asked stuffing my hands into my pockets only to hear her scuff.

"At least I could actually get laid. Loser" she shot back before walking back over to her house. "You don't even know me!" I called out behind her only to get flipped off. Bitch.

"See what I mean?" I asked my grandma who was standing behind me as I slammed the front door and headed up to my room. And she thinks I've never got laid. 

wow Selena is seriously a bitch now :O

me no likey Selena *shakes head* XP

my internet went out and I am so pissed -.- now this is the only reason i look forward to going to school..


-Maddie <3

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