WAY - Chapter 32

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Justin's POV

"Two more days and we're back home, and then school starts and ugh" Selena groaned as I continued to play with her hair. We were currently cuddling in my bed just watching some random movies on the tv. No one felt like doing anything today so we're just relaxing in our own rooms.

"Yeah but then I get to show off my beautiful girlfriend" I chuckled pressing my lips to her forehead. "Wait, no I can't. Everybody hates me" I said realizing my plan was not the greatest idea in the world. "That's ok. I don't need you to show me off" Selena laughed as she cuddled closer into my side making me tighten my grip around her waist.

"So what do you think people will say?" I asked her randomly. "Say about what?" she asked looking up at me. "Popular girl dating the school's loser. I mean" I began before Selena cut me off. "I'm not popular anymore. Plus I don't care what people say now. I realized that as long as I have the people that I care about in my life and they care about me, then that's all that matters. I don't need to hear people's opinions when they don't even know anything" she told me and I couldn't help but smile.

"I wished I would've realized that earlier" I sighed looking back at the tv. "What ever happened to you?" Selena asked making me look at her confused. "I mean the guy I always saw on tv, you don't really remind me of him. You seem, different than the person that was always on tv" she said shifting her body so she was now sitting up straight with her head resting on the headboard.

"Well, pretty much what you said. I cared too much about what the media said and everyone was always pressuring me to be Mr. Perfect, eventually I started to lose focus on what I wanted to do with my life and started to focus on what people made me look like. People started making up stories about me and I guess I thought that if they wanted to see me as the person they thought I was, then why not be that person" I told her.

I looked up at her only to see her looking back down at me. "Is it hard? Being in the music industry?" she asked me and soon I found myself shifting as well, sitting up straight with my head against the headboard.

"For me, yes. But some people have it easy. I guess it depends on how popular you are. Some people just come in and they actually have some privacy as for me, I was that small town boy who had nothing and the next thing you know, I had everything. Well everything besides a normal life. It was just paparazzi and interviews and award shows every day and it just got crazy" I sighed thinking back to the past 4 years of my life.

"Wow" Selena breathed out making me look at her. "I thought you were just a dick who only cared about the money" she laughed making me chuckle. "It was never about the money. I loved music. I love making music. That's what I wanted to do with my life. Make music and bring entertainment into people's lives. Even if there was no money in doing it, I would still want to make music. But people didn't understand that. I was practically forced into being a role-model but let's face it, I'm not perfect"

"No. But you are amazing" Selena smiled before cuddling back into my side and I felt myself smiling. Felt like forever where I could actually smile. "Thank you" I heard myself mutter. "For what?" Selena asked looking up at me. "For being you. And for giving me a chance" I chuckled softly before I felt Selena's lips pressed against mine.

Deepening the kiss, I felt Selena shift her body so she was now straddling my lap. Our lips were moving in sync as my hands gripped onto Selena's waist, pulling her closer so her chest was pressed against mine.

Her fingers combed through my long shaggy hair, pulling at the ends as I pushed my tongue through her parted lips making her let out a moan.

I flipped us over so I was now hovering above her body. Our tongues battling for dominance before I pulled away breathlessly. "We keep this up, I won't be able to stop" I managed to breathe out. "Maybe I don't want you to stop" Selena replied biting her bottom lip.

"Selena" I began before she cut me off. "Actually, just forget it" she sighed before getting out from underneath me and beginning to make her way to the door. "Selena wait" I called out making her stop.

"It's not that I don't want to. Believe me there's nothing else in the world that I would rather do than have sex with you. It's just that we're in a house filled with a bunch of other people, specifically our family and friends" I said getting up from the bed and making my way towards her.

"I know. I was just joking. But it's cute that you want to have sex with me" she winked over at me before walking towards the door once again. "Wait then where are you going?" I asked her as she reached the door. "Getting a drink" she shrugged leaving me laughing to myself. That little tease.

Making my way back to my bed, I suddenly heard a soft knock on the door. Looking up, I saw Scooter standing there with his hands in his pockets. "What's up?" I asked him muting the tv that was still on. "Can we talk?"

Selena's POV

Was I about to have sex with Justin?

Naughty girl. What would your mother say if she found out?

Shut up conscience. Nothing was going to happen.

But you wanted it to.

That's not the point.

Teen mom just like her mother. Tsk I wonder what your dad's thinking right now.

Shut up!

Taking a large sip from my glass of water, my thoughts were finally cleared out as I took a deep breath. Finished my drink, I made my way back upstairs only to find Justin's door closed. Did I close it? Or did he close it to do something?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Justin's voice. "Scooter you can just do that to me! Not right now at least" I heard him say. Oh it wasn't right for me to eavesdrop. "Justin we sent you to Canada to get a reality check, not to get a girlfriend!" I heard Scooter snap back and I couldn't help but listen.

"I'm not going back to LA so you can drop it now" Justin shot. "Justin you have a career. You have fans waiting for new music. You gotta do interviews to show everyone that you're improving. I can see that you are" Scooter said and I can feel my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach when I heard Scooter speak after what Justin said.

"I can do that here in Canada. I am not leaving, not without Selena"

"She's just pulling you back from doing what you love. Remember when music was the only thing you wanted in life?"

Was he right?

Was I just holding Justin back?

"It was never about the money. I loved music. I love making music. That's what I wanted to do with my life. Make music and bring entertainment into people's lives. Even if there was no money in doing it, I would still want to make music. But people didn't understand that"

oh no D:

so who hates Scooter now? >:)


-Maddie <3

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