WAY - Chapter 15

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Selena's POV

"Damn. You look hot" Dylan smirked, scanning my outfit as he stood on my porch. "Thanks" I giggled looking down at what I was wearing. Just a simple cute tank top that said 'Paradise' on it and a pair of dark blue denim shorts and a pair of white sandals.

"Well, let's go. Everyone's waiting for us" he smiled before sticking his hand out for me to take, which I gladly accepted. The car ride was silent, as always, as Dylan wasn't much of a talking type of person, but definitely the type to always being all 'touchy-touchy'. 

"Oh my god Selly you look so cute!" Gigi exclaimed as we got out of Dylan's car and reached our group of friends. "Thanks" I chuckled before saying the same to the rest of the girls. "Alright come on Selly, we need to find you a boyfriend" Gigi said before grabbing a hold of my left arm making us link arms causing me to laugh.

"Ha ha ha funny" Dylan said behind us with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "But she's already taken" he said making me turn my head to look at him only for him to shoot me a wink and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Fine then I guess we gotta find one for myself" Gigi smirked at me only to hear Cody laugh behind us.

"Funny babe" he chuckled. "Wasn't joking" Gigi shot back and I turned to look at him to see his face fall as he glared at Gigi. "I'm kidding babe relax!" Gigi laughed shooting a kiss over to Cody. "No I wasn't" she whispered in my ear making me laugh.

"Alright can I have my girl back now?" I heard Dylan ask and he was now walking right beside me. "Fine" Gigi groaned un-linking her arm only for Dylan to take a hold of my other hand and I quickly leaned into his arm resting my head on his shoulder.

"So what are we doing first?" Ariana asked. "First, we are getting ourselves a boy" Jasmine smiled as she linked arms with Caitlin making the rest of us laugh. "Oh hush up you guys are assholes for having boyfriends" Caitlin pouted looking at me, Gigi and Ariana making the three of us laugh even more.

"Don't be hatin' just cause you ain't us" I smirked at Jasmine and Caitlin making everyone else laugh at my failed attempt at being cool. I honestly don't know how I haven't stuttered once since I've been here but I am not going to question it. 


I pulled out my phone to see it was now 9:30 p.m. Now, to wait for my mother to call. 

That past few hours were fun I will admit but I knew Dylan wouldn't call an end to this night until we have our own 'fun' which I really did not want to do. At least, not tonight. 

We continued to walk through the grass, surrounded by carnival rides and booth stands that hung teddy bears in all different shapes and sizes. We actually found a giant banana with a Jamaican hat and long dreads which was pretty funny.  

Suddenly, I stopped walking as I heard my phone beginning to ring in my purse. 

Mom <3

Thank god. "Yeah?" I said as I pressed the phone to my ear. "You told me to call now?" I heard my mom say on the other line. I looked up to see Dylan looking down at me and everyone else stood a few feet away but all eyes were on me. 

"Seriously?" I asked pretending to be mad, hoping they believed it. "Yeah alright I'm on my way" I sighed before hanging up. "My mom wants me home now. Something about having to wake up early since we're having company over tomorrow" I said looking up at Dylan. 

After he tilted his head to the side, letting out a loud sigh, we bid goodbye to our friends before leaving the fair and he drove me home. Of course he gave me a goodnight kiss before I made my way into my house. 

I said a quick hi and goodnight to my mom who was sitting in the living room reading a book, for some reason I found myself extremely tired so I headed straight to my room before getting out of my clothes and into my pajamas. Which were just a pair of shorts and a tank top. 

I decided to read at least one chapter of The Fault In Our Stars before I headed to bed, so I got comfortable on my window bench. 

"You're back early" I heard someone call out making me drop my book, startled at the sudden voice. "Jesus Christ Jason. Don't do that!" I snapped only to see him laugh and I couldn't help but smile. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier" he suddenly spoke up as I opened the window a little more, since it was only opened slightly.

"I should apologize as well then" I chuckled softly. "Yeah you really hurt my feelings" he pouted a little which was really cute. Wait, did I just say that?

"So why you home so early? Dylan wasn't good enough for you?" he smirked only to make me roll my eyes at him. "We went to the fair idiot. And I started to get tired so he drove me home" I told him and he made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"So how was the fair?" he asked me resting his chin on his hands as his elbows sat on the window ledge. Ugh he's so cute when he does that. Wait, no he's not.

"It was fun" I shrugged slightly not knowing what else to say. "What happened?" he asked narrowing his eyebrows in suspicion. "K promise you won't tell anyone?" I sighed looking at him. "Who would I tell? My teddy bears?" he asked chuckling a little making me giggle.

"I caught Gigi making out with another guy and I don't know what to do" I told him and he looked at me confused. Right. He doesn't know that many people at school. "Gigi Hadid is dating Cody Simpson. But tonight I caught her with another guy" I told him slowly and he made the 'o' shape once again, nodding his head as he finally caught on. 

"You should tell Cody" he told me quickly. "What? No! Then Gigi would hate me! And if she hates me, then everyone else will hate me" I replied, my voice cracking as memories began to flood my mind. Don't cry Selena. Don't cry. 

"Then don't tell Cody. Just pretend you never saw anything" he said shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't care about any of this. Of course he doesn't care. He's not even friends with any of them.

"You're no help" I groaned, pouting my lip a little only to make him laugh. "Sorry. Maybe if you got me some friends and I actually socialized more, then I could help you out because then I would actually know stuff" he shot back jokingly and it was now my turn to laugh.

"Hey it's your fault you have no friends. Maybe if you actually talked to people then they would actually like you" I told him only to earn a small sigh from him. "It's complicated. Just, never mind. I'm gonna take a shower and hit the sack, you're making me tired" he winked at me making me gasp. 

"You're so rude" I said only to crack a smile when I saw his cheeky grin. "Night Sel" he smiled and I swear my heart fluttered. "Night Jason" I smiled back before we both shut our windows and I slowly made my way to bed. Crawling under my covers and my head sinking into my soft pillows, I felt my eyes beginning to feel heavy when the next thing I knew, I was fast asleep with a smile on my face. 

awwwww they're so cute :) and so bipolar.... o.O

they really need to hook up. and like, now ;)


-Maddie <3

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