WAY - Chapter 23

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OK I'm done with the teasing ;) 

here y'all go :)

Justin's POV

"Who are you?" I heard a faint voice say making both me and Ryan snap our heads over to the fully opened door and there stood Selena looking confused as ever. Shit.

"I'll let you two be" Ryan spoke up before brushing past Selena who stood there frozen. "Who are you?" Selena repeated this time, furious. "Selena let me explain" I began, taking a few steps closer to her until I suddenly felt a sting of pain slap against my cheek, once again.

"Will you stop slapping me?" I snapped looking back down at Selena who looked furious. "Will you stop lying to me?" she snapped back making me let out a frustrated sigh. "Just let me explain" I spoke up until she cut me off. 

"Please fucking explain! Explain why you look exactly like Justin fucking Bieber! Explain how you've been lying to my face for over a month! Please fucking explain!" she screamed, her face as red as a tomato. Obviously not from embarrassment.

"Can you relax please?" I asked calmly. "Relax? How can I fucking relax?" she screamed and I couldn't think of anything else to do. Taking another step towards her, I cupped her cheeks with my rather large hands and pressed my lips against hers.

I couldn't even think straight after that.

The way my lips fit perfectly against hers, the way her soft skin felt under my touch, the way sparks flew everywhere when she relaxed under my touch and finally kissed back, her hands resting on my pounding chest.

"Why did you do that?" Selena whispered once I unwillingly pulled away. "To get you to shut up for one second so I could talk. And because I've been wanting to do that ever since I've first saw you in the airport" I chuckled slightly. "Wait, that was you?" Selena asked and I nodded my head in response.

"Ok. So explain" Selena said breaking the short moment of silence. I took a deep breath before taking her hand in mine and pulled her over to my bed to sit down.

"My name is Justin Bieber. My mom and my manager sent me down here to get a 'reality check' because I was starting to lose myself but they knew I couldn't be me so I had to wear a disguise. They wanted me to look like a dork and see what it was like to be normal since I didn't have any normality in my life. Don't ask I don't get why I had to look like a dork either" I heard Selena laugh when I said the last part before I continued.

"I couldn't tell anyone about it. Ryan found out last night and that's why we were talking this morning and I'm really sorry for that comment I made today. And yes, I do like you Selena. A lot. But I understand if you want nothing to do with me. Just please don't tell anyone about this. I actually like being able to be normal and I really don't want people to find out yet"

I watched her as she kept her gaze down at the floor, not saying a single word. I guess she was trying to process all of this, or maybe she just didn't know what to say.

"I never met Justin Bieber, but I've always thought he was a dick. I guess I was right" Selena finally spoke up. Ok I deserved that. "But I did like Jason Dale" she finished. I looked at her confused.

"You were sweet and funny and maybe not the smartest but you still made me laugh, even though it was only through the window. But I guess that's my fault since I never talked to you at school" she continued making me smile slightly.

"I came here to say I was sorry. For slapping you, and for not allowing you to apologize, and for being a bitch this past month at school" she listed off and we both laughed. "And I'm sorry for slapping you again" she chuckled softly and I couldn't help but smile. Even though it hurt like a bitch.

"But also I wanted to tell you that I did like you too. I liked how sweet you were when we would talk about everything and nothing late at night when we, well mostly when I couldn't sleep. And I won't deny that I found you really adorable" Selena giggled as her cheeks began to grow a shade of pink making me once again.

"You're really confusing you know that?" I spoke up. "Yeah I know, but you need to elaborate on this one cause I'm just confused" she laughed. "You call me a dick, you ignored me at school and now you're telling me that you like me?" I asked, trying to clarify this situation.

"Yeah this is all just fucked up" Selena sighed making the both of us laugh. "But to be fair, I've liked you for a while, I just couldn't find myself to admit it" she sighed and I couldn't help but smile. "So what now?" we both asked simultaneously making us laugh once again. "I don't know. I didn't really expect you to find out about this" I admitted, shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Selena asked. "Yeah, once we started dating" I smirked at her making her roll her eyes. "Like I was going to date you" she huffed and I softly hit her shoulder with mine. "Excuse me? Who was the one who admitted they liked me?" I asked as I leaned my ear closer towards her only to get pushed away. "Shut up you said it first" she laughed.

"How about this? We just be friends for now. And not window buddies, but friends. And if you want to go on a date, all you gotta do is ask" I smiled looking over at her and I watched her purse her lips.

"Wait, who's asking? Justin or Jason?" she smirked back at me. "Both" I answered chuckling softly. "Alright, but you're asking not me" she said pointing her finger at me. "You do realize I'm gonna be asking you that like every five minutes right?" I asked her raising an eyebrow.

"I know" she smiled before she got up from my bed. "See you later, Jason" she winked before she walked out of my room leaving me smiling down at my hands.

"Actually, I like Justin better" I heard her say making me snap my head back up to see her re-appear in my doorway. I looked at her confused before she continued. "He's not as big of an ass as Jason. At least from what I know"

"Sweetie they're both an ass" I winked back at her only to see her roll her eyes before I heard her footsteps fade down the hallway as I was left smiling to myself. 

aww...... that was.... sort of cute....

but hey they like each other! and they kissed! XD

who do you like better? Jason or Justin? ;) hehehe

omg I pissed off sooo many ppl on instagram XD i wont deny i love pissing ppl off :P


-Maddie <3

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