WAY - Chapter 30

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Demi's POV

"Aww look how cute they are" I smiled as we all watched Justin and Selena passed out on the couch. Yes it may seem creepy but it looked cute.

"Should we wake them up?" Ryan asked beside me. "Wait, let me take a picture first!" Pattie exclaimed as I watched her pull out her phone. Looking back at Selena cuddled on top of Justin, I couldn't help but smile. What? It was cute!

"Can we wake them up now?" Chaz asked behind me. "No! I know what you're thinking and you're not doing it!" I said pointing a finger at him only to see him pout. "Awesome more fun for me" Nathan smirked and before I could say anything, he got out of Ariana's grip and ran behind the couch Justin and Selena were sleeping on before screaming.

"RUN THERE'S A DEER IN THE HOUSE!!!" he screamed making Justin and Selena fall off the couch screaming. Everyone started to laugh as Justin and Selena glared up at Nathan.

"Run" Justin growled at Nathan before getting up from the floor and began to chase Nathan around the cottage as we continued to laugh. Ok it was mean but it was still pretty funny.

Selena's POV

"What were you doing sleeping not only on top of Justin, but with Justin?" Demi asked as she walked me up to our room so I could get changed. "He cooked me dinner last night. Well, this morning" I told her before I let out a loud yawn. 5 hours of sleep? Not fun.

"What are you talking about?" Demi asked completely confused. "Justin woke me up at 3 in the morning because he cooked me dinner and then he asked me to be his girlfriend" I mumbled the last part hoping she didn't hear but clearly she did when she started to scream.

"Shut up!" I snapped slapping her arm, hard. "Ow! I'm sorry but I'm just, oh my god Selly!!!" she exclaimed before wrapping her arms around me giving me a bone crushing hug. "D-Demi c-cant br-breathe" I managed to say under my breath. "Sorry" she muttered finally letting go.

"You guys are honestly so cute though" she smiled and I couldn't help but blush. "We're not that cute. Plus we haven't even been dating for a full day" I pointed out finally finding an outfit for me to wear. "Excuse me? I saw how you guys were all cuddled up to each other. That was freaking cute" Demi said making me laugh. "Thanks, I guess"

*knock knock*

Both me and Demi turned our heads towards the door to see Justin already wearing a pair of jeans and a black muscle tee. Did he look hot? Indeed. "Umm I'll be downstairs" Demi said before brushing past Justin leaving just the two of us.

"Hi" Justin chuckled softly and I let out a soft giggle. "Hi" I smiled up at him as he took a few steps towards me. "I didn't exactly get a chance to say good morning" he grinned as I felt his fingers tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear causing my cheeks to heat up.

Suddenly, I felt his fingers lightly tip my chin up before I felt his lips pressed against mine making my knees go weak and my stomack made backflips. Ugh I could just kiss him all day if I could.

"Morning" I smiled once he pulled away. "Breakfast will be ready soon so don't be too long" he told me. Placing a soft kiss against my cheek, he soon left my room leaving me smiling to



Making my way downstairs, I found the living room empty. Strange. "Where is everybody?" I asked Pattie and Diane who were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. They both shrugged indicating they didn't know.

I made my way downstairs thinking they might be in the game room, only to find it empty as well. Ok what the fuck is going on?

Walking back upstairs, I went over to the front door before slipping on my jacket and a pair of boots and walked out onto the front porch. "Seriously, where is everyone?" I whispered to myself as I leaned up against the wooden fench surrounding the porch, looking around the snow covered land.

Suddenly, I watched a group of people walk out from underneath the porch. "What are you guys doing?" I asked them as they all looked up at me, smirks on each of their faces, including Jazzy and Jaxon. Oh no.

"FIRE!" Justin yelled and the next thing I knew, snowballs came flying up towards me. Screaming, I ran back to the door only to find it locked. Damn it Pattie!

"Come on you honestly thought they would leave the front door open?" I heard Justin's voice behind me. "Come on you're not actually going to throw that snowball at me are you?" I pouted taking a few steps closer to him only to see him gulp. Yeah that's right.

"No. But I will do this" he suddenly smirked, dropping the snowball he had in his hand before wrapping his arms around me. Thinking he was just hugging me, I wrapped my arms around him as well only to feel my body being lifted off the ground.

"Justin? What are you doing?" I asked as I felt him carry me over his shoulder. "Justin!" I warned now watching the back of him walk down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, I lifted my head only to see Demi, Ryan, Ariana, Sammy, Nathan, Chaz, Jazzy and Jaxon holding a snowball. Oh no.

"Wait no!" Justin yelled dropping me onto the ground as snowballs came flying at us. Before I could run to hide behind his back, he already beat me to it and now I was being used as a human shield. "Traitor!" Justin yelled behind me. "Really? They're the traitors here?" I yelled back at him only to hear him laugh.

"That's it" I mumbled before taking his hand in mine, I ran over to the other side of the small snow bank before pulling Justin down to the ground along with myself. "Because you're an ass, I guess it's going to be you and me against them. Even though I'm really pissed at you for this" I said giving him a small glare only to earn an innocent smile.

"How good's your aim?" I heard Justin ask as I crumpled up a snowball into my hand. "Watch" I smirked at him before raising my upper body so I was now kneeling, I threw the snowball hitting Demi straight in the chest.

"Come on Dems! You know you picked the wrong fight with the wrong person!" I shouted before throwing another snowball, this time hitting Ryan in the head.

The next thing I knew, me and Justin were throwing snowball after snowball at the rest as they all did the same. Eventually, they all came running at us making me and Justin run for our lives, well not literally but it sure felt like it.

Staying outside for almost 4 hours, we continued our snowball fight, before me and Justin were forced to surrender as we were out numbered, then we all built a giant fort where we all actually fit inside, eventually we built a couple of snowmen for Jazzy and Jaxon. Overall, it was pretty fun. Until we were called back inside for dinner.

awww how cute. sort of....

ik ik 30 chapters later and they finally got together dont hate me ;P


-Maddie <3

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