Sweatpants, shirts and games ::: colby x reader

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You were sleeping in Colby's bed. Your body pillow was trapped between your legs and arms. Colby left early in the morning doing god knows what. The covers were over your body up to your neck. You were sleeping peacefully until someone was jumping on your bed.

"BABY GIRRRLLLL" you heard someone scream. You just rolled your eyes and looked up to see Colby now standing on the bed.

"Yes" you said still hugging your body pillow.

"Wait I have a question..." he paused.

"Before you ask... stop standing on the bed" you laughed sitting up. He sat down next to you.

"Were you dreaming that the body pillow was me" he smirked.

"Nooooo, I was thinking it was Corey" you said sarcastically. He didn't catch on your sarcasm and gave you a frown. You laughed, "I'm joking baby"

"Oh, well I got you some stuff" he said getting off the bed excitedly. You gave him a confused look and replied with an 'ok'. You got out of bed with your shorts on and one of Colby's shirt. Colby grabbed a bag that was at the end of the bed and sat on the couch. He patted a seat next to him. You sat then sag down laughing that you got up for no reason.

He gave you the bag actually 2 bags that were full of some sort of clothes. You pulled a pair of sweatpants out of a bag and smiled. They were really soft white sweatpants. Then you pulled out black and purple ones. Your hugged Colby and thanked him. You then opened the next bag to get a shirt with 'the walking dead' on the top and Daryl Dixons face in the middle. You smiled and laughed. You got a lot of shirts. There was something heavy at the bottom. You grabbed the box.

"What the he-- HOLY SHIT" you said as you opened the box and it had an Xbox logo on it. You opened the little box to find the new call of duty game sitting in it. (Sorry if you don't like that game, I'm in love)

"Colby" you said still looking at the game. You turned the game and yourself towards him. "Why the hell did you get this for me" you said happy.

"Cause I know you wanted it" he smiled a toothy smile. Your dropped the game and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek.

"I love you baby" he smiled resting his chin on your shoulder.

"I love you too Colby brock" he pushed you out of the hug and kissed you . You grabbed the side of his neck to make it more passionate. You disconnected your lips. "Ready to play some zombies bitch" you grabbed the game looking at him.

"HELL YEAAAH" he laughed. You grabbed your black sweat and your Daryl Dixon shirt. You changed quickly then
grabbed Colby's hand and ran down the stairs. You grabbed the remotes and started your Xbox up and playing some zombies.

After about and hour later, everyone was in the room watching the two of your play your game. Round 27.

"Damn (y/n) got some skills" Corey said. You smiled not looking away from the screen. "Colby the fuck" you laughed as he got down again.

"I'm not good at zombies. I'm beast at multiplayer" he said lounging on the couch. You rolled your eyes as you paused the game and looked at him.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" You asked him. Everyone in the room started to say 'challenge'. Colby just smirked and nodded his head. You ended your game and went to multiplayer. You started up a game for just you and him on. You looked at him and then stated the game still looking at him.

"Ready bitch" you laughed. He nodded. You see a lot of people taking their phones out and posting stuff on Snapchat.

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