amusement park

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going to an amusement park alone can be pretty stressful. you feel pretty awkward but no friend was up to it or too busy.

you only had tickets for today and you didn't want to waste them so you just decided to go with yourself.

you were walking around looking at the new rides, looking at cute guys, since you were single and slightly flirting with them.

you walked past a ride, seeing two boys. one had black hair with blueish in it, chains on top of his dark clothes and rings covering his hand. his jawline was perfectly shaped with a gorgeous smile as he laughed with- you assumed to be- his friend .

they both stood next to a girl with long light blue hair. you smiled before looking back at your phone, making sure not to bump into anyone while walking to the ride.

once you stood in line you kept looking at the boy you saw and taking small pictures for your bestfriend.

you were next on the ride when you heard an employee come up to you, "excuse me?" he sweetly said. you looked up and smiled, "yes?"

"you can only go on the ride with two people." he frowned a bit. you put your phone away and your smile faded.

"oh really?" you sounded sad as you were. this was your favorite ride and you didn't want to miss it.

"but i could always ask for another?" he asked. you smiled nodded as you didn't think of it. could've just been a older person to go on this ride with you.

"is there any single riders!?" he yelled out. no one answered until he he was about to asked again and someone raised their hand.

"yeah i am!" you looked at the person not seeing them since too many people were in your way.

the employee smiled and walked over to what sounded like a guy before guiding him to you. you got back on your phone before seeing people walk over to you.

"thank you." you smiled at the employee before looking at the guy that was now next to you. it was the one you saw earlier.

"hi, i'm colby." he said putting his hand out.

"y/n." you smiled, nervous now. "you're a single rider?"

"yeah, my friend sam and his girlfriend decided to bring me even though i would be a third wheel." he chuckled. he pointed to them as they smiled and waved. you waved back and smiled before looking back at him.

"and i'm guessing your a third wheel too?" he asked, laughing a bit. you just chuckled and put your phone away.

"nope. no one wanted to go with me and i only had these tickets for the park today." you said. he just made an 'ohh' face before smiling. the gates to your cart opened and you got in after colby.

"you live around here?" he asked. you nodded buckling your seat belt.

"do you?" you asked. you made hard eye contact with him before he answered.

"yeah, i live right around he corner form here actually."

"ahhh okay."

you waited a bit before hearing the guy over the thing and felt the ride start. you passed by his friend waving and smiling.

the whole ride you were laughing with colby over stupid comments he made or hearing him scream. when it came to a stop, you started to talk about it and how it was both of your favorites at this park.

"it just so fun to ride ya know. so much going on." he chuckled as he got out and walked behind you, grabbing a bag of his.

"i feel. just never eat before this." you laughed making him start laughing.

"you're pretty funny, y/n and seem like a cool person. can i have your number?" he asked as you looked at the pictures that were taken, on the computers in the store.

you looked at him and nodded shrugging. he took his phone out and made a new contact for you to put your number in. once you were done you gave it back and walked out with him. you both sat on the bench waiting for his friends to go on.

the whole rest of the day you both decided to hang out with each other and ride more rides. sometimes it would be with his other friends or just you two alone.


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