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Anyone else excited for the new Call of Duty 4?¿

Do you mind coming over..

No, I'll be over in a minute.

You sat up from bed and put your shoes on that were at the corner of your bed. You grabbed one of Colby's shirt, put it on and tied he back of it so it wasn't as big.

You walked out of the house with your phone and keys in your one hand and a water bottle in the other. You got in your car and rode off to Colby's house. It was 2:00 pm and Colby we usually out filming with sam.

Once you got to his house you saw no one was home but him. Maybe Arron was home, only because his car broke and it was at the shop now.

You opened the door with your key and walked in, the kitchen sink was the only thing heard. You shut the door quietly and walked into the kitchen to see Arron getting a bottle of water.

"hey." You smiled. His neck snapped in your direction and his hand went over his heart.

"Jeez, y/n. You can't do that."  He laughed a bit. You joined for a split second, setting your stuff on the counter sitting down.

"Colby's upstairs. If that's what you came for?" He asked shutting the water off and walking to the fridge.

"Yeah. My head just hurts a bit from the sun today." You rest your head on your arm.

"He's been.." aaron pauses, "weird."

"As in?" You asked curiously.

"I would recommend go talking to him. He seems pretty upset."

You sigh and get up walking up the stairs to Colby's room. You get to his room and hear a soft muffle, almost like soft music playing. You open the door slowly seeing him hugging a pillow while facing the wall. His chest was heaving up and down as if he was crying, making the muffles you heard his sobs. His headphones were in so you shut the door quietly.

You walk over to him putting your warm hand on him making him look up. He seems you and stares at you.

"Hi, baby." You caress his cheek, before taking one of
his headphones out. He turned fully around and sits up a bit. You sit down on the edge of the bed seeing hike move his phone and take his other headphone out. "Do you want to talk?"

Colby shook his head, a tear slipping a from his eyes as a soft sob escaped his lips. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, his arms wrapping around your waist and his head tucked in your neck. His breathing began to speed up as he cried harder.

"Colby," you rubbed his head, "you're okay. Everything will be better. You may not think talking to someone or just saying it to a wall, which sounds crazy, but it does help." He nodded into your neck. You rested your head on  his, playing with his hairs on the back of his head.

You both somehow got into a position of you sitting against his head board and Colbys head laid on your stomach while his arms were around you. You played with his hair a bit more as he played some games on his phone.

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