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@ColbyBabyBrock this ones for you 💗


"ugh i know it's so annoying how guys think they're the shit in this school." i chuckled at my friend, emily, who told me that.

"i mean they cute but stubborn." i replied. she just smiled at me before we said our goodbyes and parted ways to get to class.

i walked up the stairs before i felt my string bag break making me grab it in shock and sigh. "what the hell?" i walked around the corner not looking where i was going, bumbling into someone.

"oh- i'm sorry." i said grabbing my string bag and dropping my phone and piece of paper i had in hand.

"no you're good, just watch out next time." he smiled at me making my heart stop. he was a attractive guy with bright like crystal blue eyes and dark brown hair that swept over his forehead.

"you're new?" he asked me. i got our of my zone for a second to grab my paper and phone he gave back to me.

"oh-" i nervously laughed. "no i'm not. i just don't- i'm not very social." i looked back up moving my hair smiling.

"your smiles cute. don't get so flustered i don't bite. here, what's your number." he took out his phone going to contacts and letting you type it in.

"nice to meet you-" he started before making a face. he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"haven." i shook his hand, making kinda awkward eye contact.

"well i'm colby, and i'll text you tonight?" i just nod, grinning a lot. we walked our ways, the warning bell ringing, making me kinda jog to my class.


hey, it's colby.

hii !

so how's your nite ?

kinda boring.

wanna go on a little adventure ??



i waited outside for colby to come pick me up. i wore black leggings with some light brown ug-boots and a grey hoodie. i stood outside getting a bit cold before i saw colby's car come up my driveway.

i walked down jumping in. he put he car in drive and started to drive to where he wanted to go.

"so where is this adventure, place?" i smiled at him, getting comfy in my seat. he's a guy you feel pretty comfortable with and feel so at ease, like you can tell him anything and trust him with your heart.

"well there is a bridge."

"motra bridge." we both said making us look at each other and laugh.

"yep exactly that."

"i use to go there all the time." i said fiddling with my thumbs.

"so, haven?"

"yeah?" i looked out the window seeing the beauty of the snow and dark sky. i loved winter, may be cold but it's was so fascinating.

"you're telling me you're not new?" he chuckled at me. i hit his arm laughing.

"no, dumbass. i told you i'm not a person to talk a lot."

"well you sure do when you're with me."

"only the ones i feel comfortable with.  it's like a, i don't know. it's not like trust issues but it is. ya know?" all he did was nod making me feel like he actually understood. 

once we got to the bridge, he parked his cars near the trees to try in blend in. we got out and walked to the bridge, admiring the view.

"you like climbing?" he randomly asked me. i nod, before he grabbed my hand and ran me across the bridge to a tree at the end of it.

"here. i'll help you, you go up first. see that second branch?" he pointed to a branch, i nodded again. "go there and save a spot for me." he grabbed my waist, pushing me up. i climbed up and sat where he said to.

"holy shit." i whispered.  he came up next to me, resting his back on the actually tree. his legs hanging off the branch.

"beautiful eh? i come up here when i need a get away. usually listen to music, but my phones dead." he chuckled moving closer to me. his legs on either side of the branch. i faces him moving my legs the same way as him pulling out my phone.

"wanna use mine?" i asked. he tilted his head then shook his head.

"no i wanna talk to you." he suggested. i smiled and blushed a bit.

"yeah, it's common thing for me." i chuckled looking down at the steady river under us. colby's eyes were stayed on me when i looked back over.

"hi." i made a face and tilted my head.

"wow. i only met you in a day and i think i've already fallen in love." i saw a small blush creep on his cheeks.

"that was like- oh god i'm crying." i joked, chuckling after. i waved my hands by my face pretending to cry, hearing colby's laugh.

"oh shit. it's 6. we've been here for 4 hours." colby said. he jumped down from the tree, walking over to help you. he grabbed your waist lightly bringing your down, before letting go and walking with you to the car.

"thank you. that really made my night." i put my hand on the handle of the car opening it. before i got out i quickly turned over the counsel and kissed colby on the cheek. i saw him turn to me in a bit of shock.

"i'll see you monday, haven. goodnight." he smiled. i said it back before we both went home.


jdjdjakakskskjk i hope this is what you wanted. i'm sorry it took so long, but the people  that i am doing imagines on i have yours finish i'm just wondering when to post.

i'm sorry for people who wanted a imagine but i have to do 10 of them and i don't have that much time. 😂

but i love and appreciate you all. 💗💗

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