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currently 9:34 pm...

your pov-

"y/n.." you heard a small whisper come form colby's mouth. you and colby were in the kitchen making some pancakes listening to to music. it was about 4:30 PM.

"hm." you asked, flipping a pancake and smiling as one of x's songs came on: moonlight.

"spotlight moonlight!" you started to sing. you walked over to colby seeing his face fall and tears from in his eyes. "colby, baby. what's wrong?"

you pushed his phone toward you and you read an article that wrote:

Triple X shot and killed in his home town, flordia Miami.

you started to read more, learning more about the story and what happen. this broke your heart. x was always in your life since you were 13, your 21 now. he's come a long way in your life and you felt numb at the point. you looked at colby who was now crying a bit. you put your head in your hands and walked over to the stove turning it off and walking into the living room.

"y/n, i'm so sorry. look i-" colby sighed slowly getting up and pushing his chair in.

"no colby. it's fine, just i need some cuddles so i feel better." you said between cry's.

he ran his fingers through his hair and walked over wrapped his arms around you and letting you snuggle your face in his chest.

"i'm sorry. i know this hurts you more than anything." he kissed your head. he rubbed your back as soft sobs escaped your lips.

when i heard the news i screamed cried.

for people who don't know, a artist by the name of xxxtentacion (real name: jahseh) has been shot and killed in Flordia Miami- his home town. people report that he was shopping for a motorcycle, when he got back in his car someone shot him and killed him. no pulse was found by the witness that was at the scene at the time.

i've known you for 3 years and you've helped me through so much. your words and music were so inspiring. i love you x, fly high baby. ❤️😭

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