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(Outside the Mystery Shack)

Dipper's POV


Gravity falls it's good to be back.

The Mystery shack has changed quite a bit . With the sign modernly decorated and fixed , the the porch looks newly made.

I bet Soos has something to do with that , being the owner.I just hope the inside is also looks as good as the outside.

" helloooo~ Dipper!!! "

I let out a surprised yelp at the sudden voice of my sister.

" Uhhh... yeah Mabel?" I answered still a bit surprised. "C'mon lets go inside! I'm so excited to see what's happened for the last 5 years while we were away! I hope that we can see Grunkle Stan and Ford as soon as possible !!! Eeeee!!!" Mabel squealed , ugh so loud I feel like my ears are about to bleed.

"Ugh, Mabel my ears pipe down we'll see them soon enough" I said now slightly annoyed with my sister. I calmly walked to the porch and knocked, once~,twice~,thi-," Alright! alright I'm coming!" A familiar raspy voice answered.

Ahh~ some things haven't changed

"What do you wa-" Grunkle Stan yelled but came to an abrupt stop when he saw us.

" Stanley who's at the doo-" Grunkle Ford said who is also in shock. Maybe because we came unannounced. Yeah see we were supposed to give them a heads up but Mabel insisted that we surprise them.So with a lot of pleading I finally agreed to her idea.But even until now I slightly protest to the idea.

"Umm..." I murmured and started fidgeting under their , which was switching from me to Mabel,who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat , and back.

"KIDS!!!" They suddenly yelled ,with genuine happiness ,excitement and Joy.

They suddenly bursted outside to hug us. Me being more socially awkward I stepped out of my original standing spot, making Mabel who was slightly behind me be their target, the which she happily accepted still having a face splitting smile on her face.

" Hi Dipper , how have you been doing?"Grunkle Ford asked me after they broke the hug .

"Umm, fine I guess." I replied very awkwardly , it's been some time I have talked to my Grunkles. So I just don't know how to you know, socialize , again it's been some time. I don't know what has happened while me and Mabel were away.And I don't know if Ford has made anything new , since there hasn't been anything weird .

Ford just nodded , and invited us inside.

(Inside the Mystery Shack, by the stairs leading to the younger twins room)

When we passed the counter and the newly made shelves try were very clean , probably because of the new man of mystery,Soos I mean.

" So kids , since you have grown and have personal necessities Ford and I have decided that you guys will have your own rooms, and because since the Mystery shacks expansion we have a little too many rooms" Stan announced in front of us.

"Dibs on the attic!" Mabel almost instantly answers after Stans speech.
" Ok so I'll have one of the new guess rooms?" I then answered, in which was agreed upon by the three people around me.

Mabel then grabbed her huge dazzled luggage and went upstairs, well... More like sprint to the attic. " So Stan can you please lead me to the room ?"
I asked after Mabel was out of sight.

"Sure kid"

Sigh~ Finally home.

'Or so I thought'


Hi my little Doritos!!!!

So like it ? I wrote this struggling not to be distracted by the Tv's hypnotizing ways. Hahahahah

So guys please...


❤️Diva Out~❤️

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