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Third person POV

When Dipper woke up he immediately wore his signature hoodie, shirt ,and jeans  and grabbed his new book from the shelf .

He then hid the said book inside his hoodie hoping that it won't be either be confiscated or taken from him by certain people .

He then went downstairs immediately hearing laughter. He peeked into the kitchen founding Stan , Ford , and his sister Mabel laughing at something Mabel said. He noticed the lack of an extra plate for himself while also noticing there were only enough food for the tree of them.

Heaving an inaudible sigh he turned his back and headed to the door,  while also snatching some cash from the cash register.

He then went to Lazy Susan's Diner.

When he arrived he hurriedly went in , because the weather was wasn't at its finest at the moment,  it was raining immensely.

Dipper shivered a little , clearly because he was soaked, stupidly forgot to bring a umbrella.


Dipper snapped his head to the loud sexy familiar voice.There he saw Mr. Adams in one of the booths of the diner by himself, wearing only an oddly familiar brick patterned yellow shirt and blue jeans .

Who needs heaven when I have mine here in front of me~

Dipper then saw Mr. Adams moving his hand up and down indicating Dipper to come closer .

With a unnoticeable pink tint in his cheek Dipper went closer to the Adonis .

When he arrived the sexy librarian suddenly spoke.

" Hey want to eat with me?"

"S-sure " Dipper answered nervously.

"Y'know I never caught your name" Mr. Adams said when Dipper finally took a seat.

" it's Dipper Pines Mr. Adams" he answered.

" Aww... Don't call me that , mr. Adams is a mouthful , how about you call me James , please I insist"


As the day continued on Dipper found himself hanging out with James.

Finally getting comfortable with the handsome Adonis .

They mostly hanged at the library since James works there.The day flew by so fast that Dipper was already waving goodbye to his new friend . 

When he arrived he was not greeted by anyone since they seem to have left without him again.

Going up to his room he went inside then he locked his room took off his jacket and shirt, now he was only in his jeans.

Through the years he has grown a      six pack, not that anyone knew , even his sister. He has also grown some muscles in arms , but not enough for him to look disgusting like those body builders . There were also noticeable scars in his body because of the bullying for being a nerd, I mean what the fuck, so what if your a nerd, it's better to be smart to have a dumb brain.Caugh-caugh-Moving on.

Now that he thinks about if he doesn't wear his oversized hoodie he would be pretty hot. But he has that self consciousness with his body so meh.

Locking his door , he turned around and went to his shelf and took his new and mysterious book.

Now laying on his bed he took his glasses which he rarely used he then only noticed it now,  a ring on his finger .

Closely examining it , Dipper then dubbed it to be very beautiful. He then decided that he won't be taking this off anytime soon, since somebody has the habit of taking his things when he's not looking and never I mean never gives it back if it's pretty.

He then started to read from where he left off.

Reading his cheesy ways to court this Alcor. That is until they both fell in love. How they met his sister Stella , in which Will oddly calls Shooting star, just like dippers sister.


What's even wierder is that he has started to call Alcor Pinetree.


I think that's enough reading for one day .

Dipper then placed the book back at the top shelf. And took off his glasses.

He then laid back on his bed and drifted off into la la land.

Or in Bills terms the Mindscape.

Unknown to Dipper the ring in his finger once again glowed blue but now it had hints of gold in it.

But this time instead of floating it stayed on Dippers ring finger.

The rings hold on Dippers finger tightened when it's almost impossible to take off.

Then a soft and kind voice spoke barely audible but you could hear bits and pieces of what it said .

W..l I w... f.n. ..u , p....e w.it .or .e l.ve

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