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Dippers POV

But before Bill could snap us out of here , including Grunkle Stan a loud banging once again started outside the forcefield.

" No! You are not taking Stanley! Get your hands off him , monster!" Yelled ford his eyes were shining with fury , and that disgusted me , how could he still be so angry, we healed Stan isn't that proof enough that Bill changed for the better ?

" And why wouldn't we do that? And when have you ever appreciated Stan for something he has done for you? Sure... you've warmed up to him over the 5 years together, but you've never thanked him for once, you only thanked him after he sacrificed himself for Wierdmaggedon something you started for your fucking research! Isn't that right ? And you!" I said looking at Mabel. "You've only thanked Stan when he does everything perfect for you! He tries his best to keep you happy even involving his precious money! He was never appreciated !"

Everyone was silent , still comprehending what I said.

"Y-Yeah! But don't you remember , he betrayed you! He lied to you back in our first summer remember!" Mabel yelled desperately

Wow never knew she was this pathetic

"True... But you could clearly read along the lines that he'd do anything for Stanford , like a true sibling should, but instead he greeted Stan with a good old upper cut. And what happened when you were teens Ford was an accident , but you screwed your relationship up, but I thank you for that" I said , everyone had a confused expression except Bill who had a passed out Stan on his back.

" We wouldn't be here if you didn't do it and this old shop wouldn't have been built, and me and Stan would have never know your true colors, and I wouldn't have met my love again." I finished a bitter smile covering my disheveled features, big fat tears slid down my eyes , so I hastily wiped them.

" Pinetree... We have ....t-to go n-now " Bill said coughing slightly from the exhaustion from crying and the continuos use of magic without stopping .But then I noticed that  both of hands were full, and if he removes either one of his hands from Stan who was still surprisingly asleep , would fall off.  He's also been holding the forcefield for so long.

" Uhh... William love .... You kinda look like you have your hands full, how are you still standing? " I asked voicing my question.

" I'm a demon love , even with a whole pyramid in my back I would still remain standing" Bill answered , beads of sweat dripping from his forehead to his chin "But that doesn't mean I don't get tired" He finished panting slightly.

"But how will we get out of the shack ?"

" You can do it " Bill answered back as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I just scared at him blankly , not completely understanding his statement.

" uhh... You do know I cant do magic anymore right?" I slowly breathed out , ignoring the banging that once again started.

" Course you can , after the memories were let out your demonic powers that you use to have resurfaced, and thats because your demonic powers from back then were not gone , they were only stored in your soul , and it can only be let out if you concentrate or if you get your memories back. And do you remember what kind of demon you were?"  Bill explained

"Bill did you forget ? Were not 'just' demons were Demon Gods"I said reminding the supposed to be all seeing Demon God of nightmares and dreams that.

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