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Dippers POV

When the memories sealed inside my mind was unlocked I recovered all of my memories from my past lives . Even after my original death. Even beyond that. All were similar to The me now .

All of us .

After my death.

A part of my heart was left empty.

But now I understand , it was Bill, it was always Bill . He was there for me even when I needed him. Even tough he tried to kill me multiple times,it didn't matter.

He was only misunderstood. He is just like me.

And like he said back then i will say it again, Not even death can tear us apart. I was looking at his glassy yellow eyes , these yellow pools held sadness. And I didn't want that, i don't want to see him sad again.

I once again embraced the love of my life. Attempting to calm my love down. He kept whispering apologies, while I whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

Time skip 3 hours

When Wil-Bill finally calmed down we didn't move , he didn't try to pull away , neither did I. But my butt was aching.

Finally Bill suddenly moved , he raised his hands ad snapped them . And then we appeared inside my room , we were now hugging on my bed ,but what was waiting there by the suddenly broken down door was unsuspected.

There stood my Grunkles and sister all three had shell shocked expressions.

"Y-yellow shooting star , fez , sixer" Bill dared say in a hoarse voice from crying.

"B-Bill!!?!" Shouted Mabel. Ford then immediately pulled out his guns and pointed it at Bill who was still embracing me.

" Let go of my fucking nephew demon !" Shouted ford , his voice had anger and horror mixed in it but his eyes betrayed his voice , he had piss worthy fear in his eyes. While Stan just stood there his eyes held understanding in the situation we were in , but he still had a surprised expression.But there was something hiding behind those eyes something that he wanted to tell me , but I easily pinpointed the problem. Ford and Mabel. It means it's something about me , but is clearly disapproved by the other two.

But before I could decipher anymore Ford shot his blaster/gun but before it could hit either me or Bill Stan jumped out of his trance and stood between it and us. Causing him to get hit instead of me and my love.

It hit at the center of his stomach blood started to gush out of his wound, he then started to cough out bits of blood , then he came tumbling down , like a tree being cut down.

Mabel's screams were the only thing heard after the long minuets of silence. That is until me and Bill went into action unlike the two shell shocked duo. Who only did was scream bloody murder.

Bill then hovered his hands on Stans stomach but before he could get started he was interrupted by surprisingly Mabel.

" S-stop you bastard! Don't you dare touch him! T-this was all your fault! An-and you!" Mabel began pointing to me." How could you betray us! I thought we could trust you ! You were my freaking brother! After all I have done to you , this is how you repay us! By tricking us to fire you and manipulate Stan into protecting you so you could get him killed! You- you traitor!" Mabel falsely accused me. But all this shouting was ignored by Bill, as he continued to heal Stan.

The shouting is what caused Ford to snap out of the trance he was in.

" She's right get away from him you fucking demon" Ford shouted , slowly getting closer to Stans slightly pale body , Stans breathing was shallow, his eyes were half lidded.

As ford came closer to Bill and Stan a forcefield held home back from getting closer to us.

Bill was already halfway done when Mabel started to bang the forcefield. And ford trie to shoot his gun/blaster at us. Key word. Tried. That was wen I snapped , I was annoyed by them .

" How fucking dare you?! Ford it was your fault he got shot , it was your fucking fault! Why are you such a bitch?! You bastard, you almost killed me! Your fucking nephew, even without knowing the true meaning of this situation, Stan was the only rational one here ,neither you or Mabel were smart enough to think of this! And you were a fucking scientist , and Stan was a con man!!! " I shouted at his face with the forcefield separating us. I then looked at Mabel my eyes blazing with anger . Even with the obvious fear in her eyes , she dared to glare at me, oh... It's fucking on bitch! "And you!... Me!? Betray you! So what ?! Who fucking started it huh?! You! You were the one who started to neglect me because I was antisocial , you were the one who wanted to be fucking selfish and ruin everything back when we were twelve, You were the one who snogged all the attention ! And did I ever complain?! No! And now I finally I got my love back, you want him to take him away from me?! How selfish can you fucking get Stella!?" I yelled not noticing the accidental name my sister used to have.

"Stella?" Mabel asked a hint of confusion filling her angered voice .

Whooo that was close , good, she didn't recognize it or remember it

Even with the shouting Bill still was healing Stan. At this point we just continued to ignore the lashing duo outside the forcefield.

" Done" Bill finally said after a minuet of silence other than the continued shouting outside.

But as I looked at Stan he had already fainted due to the exhaustion, I'm surprised that he continued to sleep even with the shouting.

Bill then turned to me , his forehead was slightly dripping with sweat, he ha a relieved smile , his hands were slightly shaking with the long minuets of enchanting , basically he became he unbelievably attractive , not that he wasn't attractive in his regular face it's just that it's.... More than usual. But the next words he said sent over cloud nine.

" How about we go home , taking Stan with us , after let's have some fun . Is that ok with you Pinetree~?"

I'd be damned if I didn't .

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