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( A few days after the whole touching Bill Ciphers incident)

Dippers POV

So far it has been peaceful .

No Bill in sight.

Mabel has been spending most of her time with Candy and Grenada ,  always having sleepovers in her room which was right above my room and with their ear splitting squeals , I couldn't get a single nights sleep.With the house shaking like there was another earthquake , I literally looked like a zombie.

When I got out of my room this morning , hearing my stomach grumbling I immediately went to the kitchen , only seeing the table empty with the sink full of used cups, plates and eating utensils .

I just let out a long sigh and went back to my room rummaging my closet for something to wear .

Then I realized. Letting out another sigh.

What am I doing, trying to look good,
when no one would care with whatever I wear.

Then I just grabbed a random red printed shirt , blue jeans , and the same blue hoodie I wore when I first came here .

I looked at the full length mirror beside my closet , and deemed myself at least decent.

I went out and headed to the new Gravity falls Library.

Yup ,Gravity Falls finally has its own library .I haven't been there because I had my own books  that I've been reading , but since I've already read it all with much of the free time I had. I've asked Soos if he needed any help but... He said he can handle it and ushered me back to my room.

Sigh~ I don't know...if he didn't want me there or he really handled it .

When I arrived at the library I immediately went inside with slight anticipation to read new books. Or more specifically mystery books.

When I went inside I felt like I was in heaven. Rows and rows of shelves with different kinds of book. Then I felt myself tearing up, ugh I'm a weirdo.

While I was in my little fantasy I didn't notice the librarian calling out to me, when finally I snapped out of my little nerd wold , and looked at my side expecting to see a cliche wrinkly old librarian , but.... Boy was I totally wrong.So...so...wrong. In front of me was a devilishly handsome blonde Adonis . With bright blonde hair fading to black at the bottom, bright alluring blue eyes filled with mischief and intelligence , perfectly tanned skin , sharp features, and beautiful pink plum lips . He could've been easily mistaken for a Calvin Klein model only wearing a yellow sweater with brick patterns and oddly an eye in the center, jeans and sneakers.

He is the guy of my dreams.

If you haven't noticed I'm Bisexual.

Meaning  I like girls as well as boys .

But this past years I've been really into boys , and also I've moved on from Wendy when I realized there's more fish in the sea, there must be someone for me even though I doubt it.

You see my past relationships were a total disaster , with me breaking up
with them since I don't think they were the one , which weirdly they were calm about i-

"Umm excuse me ,but do you need anything young man?"

Ugh and his voice~ it sounded so sexy
Umm... Wait should I answer, of course I should, but what should I say , ugh I'm screwed!

"Excuse me"

"O-oh sor-sorry a-about that, y-yes?"I answered . nailed it

"Uh... I was asking if you needed anything" the sexy Adonis said

" Uh yeah could I umm.. Could borrow some books please...?"

"Uhh sure please follow me" Then he wakes away with me trailing behind like a lost puppy.

"Any specific genres ?"

"Umm... Mystery"I timidly answered

" Ooohhh... A detective are we " he said his voice laced with pure interest . Then awkward silence fell

But was immediately broke when the man spoke " Y'know you are the only person that came to this library , other than Mr. Mcgucket " he stated while skimming the shelves for the book I was looking for.Then he let out a sound of triumph after finding an old looking book .

" How about this , 'Eye in the Darkness', a supernatural mystery book, the author is unknown and it's just been sitting here for years"

I eyed the book curiously and excited to start reading it.

" Y'know you look familiar , have we met before?"

I snapped out of my reverie and looked at the Blonde , I haven't seen him before , especially him , if I ever met this hunk then I would definitely , would never forget his face. Never.

"No I don't think so, you see I haven't been in this place for five years , and there are many new faces here in Gravity Falls " I answered

"Ahhh~ , I see , so... how about I'll just give you this book as a welcome back gift , ehh~" The Adonis offered

"No...no you don't have to Mr...."I trailed off , ahh damn it , I don't know this hot guys name, no I'll gonna embarrass myself again. Fuck my life.

" James, James Adam , and please I insist take it, no one will miss it" He answered

".......ok" Answered , then I slowly took my new book, then after a while I waved goodbye to Mr. Adams.

I turned so my back was facing him and   started walking to the place I was strangely comfortable. I felt warm feeling when I was there. Like I belonged there . I chuckled dryly .

Thinking how could I feel so comfortable and at home beside an old enemies statue.

Third persons POV

What Dipper didn't notice was while he was just turning around 'James' eyes flashed yellow and for a while it stayed there. While muttering almost inaudible words.Almost

"That book seemed familiar but... I don't know why"

Then his eyes went back to its bright blue color , while looking confused , but then shrugged it off and went back inside the library .

While hearing another hushed whisper, but this voice was different from the last one it sounded sad and clearer.

"Alcor my Love"

Alcor? Who's Alcor

Some of you reader may know who Alcor is and if you don't well I won't spoil the surprise

And sorry for not updating lately. Sorry

See ya later My Darling Doritos~❤️

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