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Third persons POV

•In a random place in the Gravity falls forest•

Dipper ran as fast as his slender legs could carry him. He was already out of breath but he still pushed forward , dismissing the burning feeling in his lungs .

He painted heavily , he did not know where he was going , nor did he care , he only thought of getting away from his sister.

Dipper then broke into a familiar clearing . It had beautiful various kinds of flowers. There were random pink patches on the left, beautifully mixed colors of Violet's to yellows and on the right were beautiful blue patches of flowers. But dipper paid no heed to anything .

He only rushed forward, some of the flowers getting crushed in the process. Creating some makeshift footprints in his wake.

He rushed forward to a familiar gray statue, his had still outreached , almost half of his body buried into the ground. The statue was also surrounded by beautiful blood red roses. Thorns as sharp as thorns surrounded the statue.

Dipper,  when he arrived in front of the statue immediately went down to his knees , hugging them in the process. 

More tears cascaded down his face. Unable to hold them back anymore .

A sob was then heard. Until there were visible hysterical crying of pain , hurt , anger , and most of all betrayal.

Dipper managed to turn so that his back was facing the statue. Then he leaned down , pressing his back slightly harder.

He then felt the familiar warmth that was once in the statue slip away.

As if the world wanted him to suffer . Until there was nothing more to break .

Then it started to quiet down. Only whimpers can be heard. Now with tear stained face , dipper lifted his head after noticing a faint glow of yellow on his finger.

Confused Dipper squinted his eyes.in attempt to see what was in the continuously growing yellow glow on his finger. Until it finally the glow transferred in front of him now finally could see , he focused his swollen red eyes to the figure in the light.

When it finally died down there he saw a figure wearing a bright yellow tail coat with brick designs , black slightly skinny or fit slacks, black gloves, a white button up shirt , a familiar black bow tie , cane , and top hat.

He then looked at the face , he saw familiar features , defined cheek bones pink perfectly shaped lips, but instead of blue eye , were yellow with black a slit abd his other eye was covered by a Eyepatch and wide smirk , instead of a kind smile decorated his features.



That's .......

Top hat


Bow tie


"Why hello Pinetree! How ya been!? Missed me?! I bet ya missed me!"

The person said in a less echoey voice.

" B-Bill?"Dipper Said in a hoarse voice from crying. He was confused as to why he was here . But he was to tired to care . He felt numb . Not feeling sad nor angry . He was just numb . Not even caring if the now alive dream demon would kill him or do something insanely weird that he would have to fight again like he was 12 to get back to normal.

If you looked at his eyes they were half lidded , his once bright cheerful , curious , intelligence , filled brown orbs now lifeless and bland . His lips in a thin line unable to smile nor frown.

That is until those brown lifeless pools  closed temporarily. His lips now parted.

Leaving a confused demon waiting for him to wake up. Or the said demon will invade his dreams .

Bills POV


I could just....

But I still don't know what I'm doing here.


Though it's a great reintroduction .

I then gazed at his tear stained face  , and I know those beautiful chocolate ...


... orbs were surrounded by red .

Beautiful ? Blue? What?

Wow I'm questioning myself a lot today . Anyway just as I gazed at Pinetree I felt a pang of unfamiliar longing to the young Pinetree . But I don't know why.

As if my meat sack body was on autopilot my meat sack legs started to move forward to Pinetree . Until I was just in front of him, I then crouched down and leaned closer to him, I then snapped my fingers and Pinetree started to float upward .

I rose from my crouched position . I then started to walk away . With Pinetree floating behind me. And with a snap of my fingers me and Pinetree were in Pinetrees room.

I first checked if the door was locked and unsurprisingly it was , sheesh this kid still as secretive like when he was 12.

I looked at the floating boy and laid him in his well kept bed.

And as I was about to disappear with a snap of my fingers something shiny caught my eyes, on Pinetrees table .

I then approached it and saw a golden beautiful ring . I then wore it to try if it fit , and guess what it did.

It was very beautiful , it had triangles. It felt like it was made for me. But what really caught my eyes was the bright Pinetree shaped blue gem in the center.


I don't know why but my eyes started to leak. WHY IS IT LEAKING?!

Is this what meat sacks called crying. I couldn't control it . A sound started to come out of my mouth . I think it was a sob . My chest then started to ache . My vision got blurry suddenly my knees made contact with the floor my right hand then started to clutch my chest dropping my cane on the floor in the process. My other hand clutching my head , then I suddenly blacked out .

Third persons POV

With that Bill... No

Somebody started to control Bills body. When they opened their eyes they were still yellow but they were glowing .

They stood up and made his way to dipper.

They went on their knees and leaned closer to dippers face now their noses were only inches apart.

Alcor.... Love it's me....

I'm here for you....

Don't forget that...

With that dippers face broke into a smile snuggling into the bed.

But the next thing you know dipper reached for bills body and pulled it so that they were side to side in the bed

With a small smile in their face Bills body started to cuddle Dipper until he too fell asleep .

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