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In the Mindscape•
Third persons POV

Bill , Dipper , and Stan arrived in front of a five story mansion . It had four white pillars supporting a massive balcony and below this was a beautiful mahogany double doors. With a golden triangle as a door knob. It had about 30+ triangle , Pinetree and oddly a fez shaped windows. A weird pattern but still, it was gorgeous.

But bill could say otherwise with his face contorted with an expression of horror.

" what happened to my triangular castle with triangular everything ?!" Bill yelled looking at dipper with the same expression of horror.

With this Dipper only rolled his eyes , shrugging his shoulders in a nonchalant kind of fashion. He was looking at the mansion up and down and then bidding his head in a approving gesture.

" Did you really think after the effort of my singing I should just transport?" Dipper said staring pointedly at the demon. " Other than transporting I also transported mine and Stans things , such as clothing , toiletries , and other necessities , into the rooms Me and Stan would favor. I also caught a glimpse of your triangle castle and redecorated some things so that it may fit to the number of people who will be living there." Dipper ended leaving no room for objections.

Now that Bill thought about it Dipper was right , it would always get lonely in the castle. With no one but himself in it after a few millennia without any other living being in his home. Because he has never brought anyone in his home , not even his hechmaniacs. Bill did a double take at their new renovated home, now acknowledging the homey feeling it brought to his stomach. Now Bill was mentally praising dipper with his brilliance. Not that he'd ever voice it out to his long lost lover.

When Dipper saw Bill was deep in thought  he saw this as a great opportunity to surprise the demon. But first...

He then directed his line of vision unto his randomly floating Grunkle . Dipper chuckled in amusement as Stan  bumped on a Wall.

With eyes still shining with amusement , dipper snapped his fingers and Stan was transported to his designated room.

The he tuned back to his lover and silently crept behind him.

When he was at his destination Dipper leaned into bills ear his breath barely felt by his prey and then his whispered the most mortifying thing he could do.

"I'm going to eat some Doritos now"

With that said Dipper made a pack of Doritos appear, he opened the bag and took out a perfect triangular chip.

He then chewed the chip, chewing ever so slowly.... While staring at Bill who's expression was startled yet horror filled . But then a single tear slid down his cheek.

" D-dipper how could you?" Bill stuttered out. "Ok this means war Pinetree !" Bill shouted he then made a Pinetree appear. Then a chainsaw . He then started to cut the Pinetree with a chainsaw. Only dippers horror filled screams could be heard and the buzz of the chainsaw cutting the wood.

An hour later, Dorito chips, splinters of wood , leaves , and ripped out branches were seen on the outside of the mansion. And the middle of the splintered chipped chaos were two lone bodies of two men , breathing heavily.

" Hahahahahah! That was fun!" But dipper was answered with a tired groan.

But then suddenly something started to burn on Dippers left forearm. He screamed.

With that Bill immediately sat up. Scrambling to his lover. " Pinetree what's wrong?" Bill asked worriedly at his lover who was in pain. But then Bill heard a gasp , Dippers screams have ceased. Bill looked down at his lovers forearm and was surprised, there on dippers forearm was a tattoo slithering its way to his shoulder. There were runes and the cipher wheel with dippers own wheel on the top of his shoulder, a Pinetree with a top hat and a tie holding a Pinetree book surrounded by all the symbols only on the Pinetrees original spot was a golden triangle.

(Basically the tattoo that was in the picture of dipper in =1=)

" Pinetree!!! It's back your demon mark ! " Bill shouted. He hugged dipper and deposed immediately reciprocated the hug.

=Time skip= an hour later=

Dipper and Bill were sprawled on one of the many couches in the mansion. With dippers head on the crook of bills neck his legs dangling at the edge off he couch while Bill was just sitting upright.

They had small contented smiles on their faces with their eyes closed but then they heard a soft thud from the entrance , but both knowing who it was only Dipper stood to help his tumbling Grunkle but that action received a whine from his lover who was peeking from the couch an annoyed look on his face.

But obviously dipper ignored his lover and went out of the living room. There he saw his Grunkle rubbing his head a expression of with a similar expression Bill had on.

Dipper chuckled which earned the attention of his Grunkle. " Are you okay Grunkle Stan?"

" Kid...." Stan muttered , until memories from when His own brother shooting him , Singing, then darkness. " Son of a....." San said rather loudly but was unable to finish because of a headache banging full force in his head.
He clutched his throbbing head, his brows creased together , a pained expression on his face. But then different memories flashed through his mind , then his arms dropped from his head and his body falling backwards until he was once again passed out.

After seeing the pained expression on his Grunkles face dipper knelt down to Stans level , dipper then began to panic as his Grunkle fell to the floor a thud loud enough to make Bill come out of the living room.

After a moment of silence.... A panicked voice rang throughout the corridor.

"Pinetree? Fez?"

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