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Third persons POV

•Mindescape•Mansion•Stans room•

Dipper sat on Stans bed impatiently waiting for his Grunkle to wake up. Stan was now out for five hours and that worried Dipper even more.

And no, he had not been there the whole time Stan was passed out. He just arrived , and it'd hurt your ass to sit that long. Dipper then felt movement from beside him. He quickly stood up inspecting his now awaking uncle.

Stan groaned lowly sitting up. He had his palm on his skull he then directed his half lidded tired eyes to Dipper , they widened for a second the went back to normal, understanding now flowing clear from his eyes.

But something felt different with Stan , and Dipper felt it. It's as if Stan had aged more than his should have , it's as if he was more guru-like whatever that meant.

Dipper was starters out of his thoughts with an amused chuckle " Alcor, How are you?" Stan asked the raspiness of his voice gone instead a velvety deep silk like voice replaced his familiar somewhat comforting raspy one.

" uncle Manny ......?.?.?.?...."

Another chuckle escaped Stans lips." Please kid, I don't hold that name anymore I prefer that you call me Stan or Grunkle Stan . And...." Stan trailed off " Holy fuck! My voice is back now I can flirt all I want with the ladies!" Stan exclaimed his eyes dancing with mischievousness.

Dipper was now the one to give a chuckle at his great uncles antics. But then something hit him , not literally.

"Wait... Grunkle Stan how how did you remember our.....past life?" Dipper slowly questioned .

" Ahh... That, well it just actually just well hit my mind like a headache, then all of my memories from back then resurfaced and then I blacked out....I think it's because of seeing you and Bills familiar human form together like back when you and him were......." Stan said once again trailing off , his mischievous expression turning solemn.
" Look kid... I know this is a bit too late but-" Stan paused " I'm sorry"

Dipper say there confused as to why his Grunkle was apologizing.

" Why are you apologizing Grunkle Stan? You haven't done anything wrong" Dipper stated looking at his Grunkle.

" You see Dipper... remember back when I built the portal? " Dipper nodded " Well I feel kinda guilty for doing it for my selfish. I didn't even think of the impact it would have to our family. And I was the one who cared you and Mabel to drift apart from one another. I know you can't forgive me but I just want to at least apologize. I also want to apologize for the fact that I helped in separating you an-"Stan was cut off by dipper standing up suddenly. Stan looked up at Dippers furious eyes. Stan then saw dipper raise his hand as if to punch him so Stan instinctively closed his eyes readying his face for the hard impact Dippers fist would create.

But it never came instead dipper hugged the old timer. A bone crushing one at that Stan could barely breath at this point. Dipper started to shake sobs now racking his body.

"O-oh Grunkle Stan you don't have to apologize for anything. I understand, I understand that the geezer Michael manipulated you. Although he's is still the same now. I'm just glad that I still have some blood related family who I can truly trust" Dipper said , relief and joy spreading all over his body. He then let go of his uncle who was on the verge of tears.

Stan opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by a loud bang resounding all through the mansion. Loud thundering footsteps thudded on the first  floor. But then there was a familiar scream from below and a loud fire of some lazer like device.

Dippers and Stans  eyes widened at that scream. Dippers eyes glistened with tears.

Stans eyes dulled. But then dippers  sight turned red.

But before Dipper and Stan could stand the doors were broken down.

The last thing Dipper could remember was a blast of green light streaming directly towards his face.

The last thing dipper heard was a loud thump on the bed before darkness.


Shitty cliffhanger.

Shitty ending I know.

Anyway the sequel will be up sometime this week.

Bye Darlings~😊

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