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Third persons POV

Lately Dipper has been spending more time in the library with James. But if he's not there he's obviously either by bills statue or in his room reading.

Currently he was in his room he was still not done with his book. He was in the part of the diary where Will was meeting other members of Alcors family. How they got married .That is until an incident happened.

Entry #99

Earlier me and Alcor were exploring a cave , t-that is until we both fell in a pond , it was glowing . No really it was really glowing.We were able to swim back up but what was weird was we started floating and we started to glow .When it stopped we our eyes were glowing, our irises were in slits, our teeth pointed. We realized we turned into demons, well half demons since we were still in human bodies . I don't know what that water was but we did turn into demons. When we returned back into the village we were greeted by one of Alcors uncles who were carrying pitchforks . Even Alcors sister. They had that look of disgust and hatred .

They started to yell Demon!

This village had a immense amount of hatred towards demons , they would become heartless , and for one to recognize a demon was their eyes. This means they are after us . To kill. With no remorse for their loved that turned. This might be my last entry , we , me and Alcor are hiding in an old library in the woods, with a kind librarian who didn't hate demons. She believed that there were good demons out there. And her theory was confirmed when she saw us . She allowed us to stay in the library for the time being . Alcor is watching me write. He's crying . It breaks my heart to see him like this. My beautiful husband . I will love you till death. Not even that can do us part . I believe we will meet again , so please don't cry , I know your reading this from behind me . So please remember i will love you , never forget that.

Love Will & Alcor Rephic

'Not even death can do us part , love'

Dippers POV


They turned into half demons . They were good people . Well demons , but still . There were also tear drops on the old pages .

I felt something sliding down on my cheeks I then realized I was crying.

A thought then crossed my mind.


What if he was just influenced by the nightmare realm. He once mentioned that anyone could go insane inside that dimension . Maybe... He went insane in that dimension but the question is why...? Why did he go inside that dimension ? Was it willingly or wa he just forced?

So many thoughts went through My mind , many what ifs about the dorito.

Ugh I'm getting a headache. I need a snack.

Third persons POV

Dipper went out of his room and locked the door, but not before he hid his book from his nosy sister . He then went down the stairs an headed into the kitchen finding it empty. Shrugging Dipper then went to the fridge , rummaging the contents , until he found a can of Pitt Cola.

He opened the can then chugged it down in one go. It was quiet and peaceful, just the way Dipper liked it.

That is until he heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. There Dipper saw his sister , Mabel chatting loudly with her friends, Candy , Grenda , and Pacifica.

Yup, Pacifica Northwest became friends with Mabel through a video call one day.

When they saw Dipper they suddenly squealed

" Guys there he is!!!" Yelled Mabel Dipper confused was suddenly dragged outside into the town.

Dipper did not care where they were taking him . Since he was still in a daze his mind running a thousand mile per hours. Still occupied by Bill Cipher theories.

But he was snapped out of it when his sister slapped his arm.

"Dip'n'Dot I have some people I want you to meet ~"

When dipper turned around he saw three figures leaning on a wall.

"Dipper I want you to meet Pacifica's cousins , Collins, Jake, and finally Ryder" Mabel said

Collin had blonde hair , blue eyes, and tan skin . Very handsome , he looked like a knight from fairy tails or even a prince . He was wearing a white t shirt and blue jeans

Ryder also had tan skin ,black hair, green eyes . He looked like a badass from the movies.

Then there was Jake he had blonde hair , the same shade as Collins but a tad lighter. He had hazel eyes he looked like your typical boy next door , blue shirt and blue jeans. It was obvious that Collin and home we're twins.

" Mabel what is the meaning of this?"

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