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Here you go my Doritos...
Diva out~❤️😎

(Inside the new guest room.Dippers new room)

Dippers POV

To say the least I was quite surprised when I entered my new room for the summer . It had beige walls , a little table at the corner , a blue carpet, an also blue bed , with white spreadsheets and pillow, it also had a small shelf just above the table, and finally a big window just above the bed. Nice~

"Ok so Dipper this is your new room , make yourself comfortable , and finally will you excuse me, I'll just be down at the old lab downstairs" Ford said from the doorway , I spun around to face him and nodded, he then scurried down the hall. Jeez did he want to leave that much?

I then set the luggage I was carrying by the bed and did another look at my new room and nodded in satisfaction even though I kinda miss the side of my room up at that attic ...

But Grunkle Fords right we now kinda need our own personal space , especially when Mabel is in her time of the month.

I then arranged my clothes neatly , and stacked the books i brought from Cali. In the shelf and my other necessities in placed neatly in areas where their supposed to be in my room. I then did a double check if I have put them in the right places .

"Grunkle Stan!!! Grunkle Ford!!!!"

Yelled a shrill and very loud voice from upstairs .

Then I heard a bunch of scurrying footsteps , going to the attic. I then peeked out my door , and had an idea that might brighten my day. Might.

I grabbed my Pine Tree hat, which I don't wear that much anymore and went upstairs to the attic where there were some silent chatter . When I got to the open door of my and Mabel's old bedroom I saw Mabel asking our Grunkles which sweater she should wear.

"Grunkle Stan! which should I wear the violet glittery shooting star sweater or the pink sparkly kitty one? Ugh , choosing is so hard!"Mabel whined


All three heads looked towards me questioningly "uhh, I was wondering if I could explore the forest for a while , Can I?" I asked. They just nodded and focused back on Mabel's problem.

I just sighed and went out the door. Towards the forests darkness, while I adjusted my pine tree hat to cover the the ushering tears in my eyes...

Sigh~ everything just the same , it's still the same back in Piedmont....

Mabel gets all the attention


Hello my little Doritos ~❤️

Sorry this is so shoooorrrrtttt

But I still hope you guys like it








Diva Out~❤️ See ya Sweeties❤️

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