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Third persons POV

"So dippy I know your gay , since you haven't done anything about you love life I've taken full responsibility on it. And since Paci here has 3 wonderful gay cousins we decided to hold a contest.-" Mabel then paused for a second to clear her throat then started to speak again" Whoever me and Paci think is perfect for you will be your be your new and perfect boyfriend , plus we're keeping scores in whatever they do" Mabel ended with a big grin blaring her features. Both her and Pacifica then looked at Dipper who was speechless. Now thinking that her brother is satisfied , Mabel then turned to her three contestants .


What she did not know that dipper was actually speechless of how his sister could do this.

Not considering his feelings.

Not understanding his emotions .

Controlling his love life.

Basically controlling his life.

What the FUCK?!

Dipper then started to tremble. But the people surrounding him misunderstood this as excitement. All except three handsome newcomers. Their eyes showed concern , but the two Bitc- Witches dismissed this , hen starred at Dipper. Confused , Mabel uttered only two words.


That was when dipper just snapped.

"HOW DARE YOU!? You could you think this was ok?! Huh?! YOU ok-d this without my consent! Without considering my own feelings! Mabel I know you want what best for me , and I love you for that . But-but this is just too much!!!! " Dipper hysterically yelled at the duo. Big fat tears streamed out of his big chocolate orbs. Down to his now puffed pink cheeks.

Dipper only did what his instincts tell him.

He ran.

With no destination.

Only desperation to get out of there.

He only followed where his feet took him .

To the forest

Unbeknownst to him his ring was shining, but it was faint. But it was not its usual blue glow , it was shining faint yellow.

Sorry for the short update

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