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Third persons POV

When dipper woke up he was greeted by the harsh golden rays of the sun peeking from his slightly open blind on his window.

But even with the good amount of rest he got his eyes were still lifeless , the wonderful light in them faded long ago. A few years ago actually , when they were in their first summer her in Gravity falls. The time where Dearest Mabel didn't listen to him about the portal , instead she listened to their lying great uncle. Sure he was happy that he finally got to meet the author of the journals , but he was still hurt as to what his Sister did. That where his eyes started to dim . Then he started to notice the changes after that , being the intelligent pre-teen he was. Stan started to favor Mabel more , even with his fights with ford. Ford also favored Mabel more , hanging out with her from time to time, his great uncles barely had time for him. But he still had hope that it will change , even with the nagging doubt behind his head , but when he told Mabel about fords apprenticeship , that was where she took his bag and gave it to the flying Dorito.

Why couldn't she just be happy for me?

Something amazing finally opened up in my miserable life

And she had to go an ruin it all.

These thought ran through his mind even when he went to save his sister. That was when he finally gave up the hope he was trying hard to keep lit. He knew this , he knew his parents barely cared for him only providing his needs , to at least keep him alive , for show , to make other parents see that they were also wonderful ones as well. But you could clearly see that they didn't care about him if you went into their household .

Even when he and Mabel were young they didn't care for him , when he scraped his knee when he was three for example , they just stood there chatting with Mabel in their arms ignoring the pained cries of their son, their fucking son , for fucks sake. Even Mabel was ignoring him.

He couldn't feel at this point

He was now numb

Dipper could only state blankly at the curling in front of him. It was so bland , so gray like his life right now. But then suddenly there was movement beside him.

Dipper now registering the extra body warmth beside him. Snapped out of his daze. He then slowly looked at the person beside him , only finding a mop of blond hair tickling his cute button like nose, which caused him to do his famous kitten like sneeze.

This caused the finely dressed person , as Dipper observed with a still blank face , to stir awake.

Finally snapping his golden eyes to open , Bill was a bit startled with the unfamiliar emotion on his Pinetrees face. Face scrunching up in confusion bill continued to stare dazedly at the young teen in front of him.

Dipper finally registering the person in front of him , he pushed Bill of the bed. His face finally contorting into a different emotion other than blank, surprise.

"What the heck Pinetree?!"

Yelled the person on the floor. Sitting up while scratching his head creating his mop of bed hair to get worse. His face scrunched up to an annoyed expression.

No answer. Dipper just stared , his face going back to the emotionless slate it had.

" Sheesh kid, what happened to you?" Bill asked a bit curious as to the lack of reaction in his presence unlike last time, where he fainted.

Blankness only greeted the Dorito.

This went on for days, Bill kept on pestering Dipper but he was only greeted by the same answers blankness. And everyday there was a knock on the door , Mabel pleading her brother to open it, she also kept apologizing , but you could see it was not sincere as it's suppose to be. On the first day she did that Bill was there , not that he left or anything , which confused himself and Dipper greatly , not that the latter should show it. Bill tried to open the door, but was stopped by a soft tug on his finger , and there he was dipper looking at Bill, but instead of a blank face he had glassy eyes, tears threatening to fall. It was the first reaction Bill got from the teen. But what caught his eyes was the pleading look Dipper had.

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