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Third persons POV

Entry #100 last entry.

Please don't trust the one with six ,fez,and the star.

What.....???.... Mabel?Ford?S-Stan. Dipper thought.

We managed to run away from the mob. But glasses managed to cut my eye , my right one. But my Pinetree had only a few scrapes. Being demons, we still don't know how to control our powers. I know what the villages plan is. But we both won't make it, someone has to distract them while the other escapes , I've tried to convince Pinetree that he should escape but , just won't go, so we have decided that , we will never separate till death do us part. We've already secretly married for 2 months but we have yet to tell his family. We will face this together. Not alone forever we will be together as demons. As humans . As friends. As lovers. And as husbands. I shall give this book to the old kind lady from the library. And our story shall live on even if we don't.

This is Bill Rephic

And Alcor 'Dipper' Pines Rephic

We will be together FORVER

Oh my god

Thought dipper.

Dipper knew he was crying. But what surprised him was bill was too. He felt bills heart beat quickening , and his his breathing turning shallow. Until sobs could be heard from the ex-demon.

Dipper then turned to Bill , setting the book down beside them on the bed. Dipper finally turned to Bill strangling him , his arms enclosing bills neck for a warm comforting hug.

Bill, feeling Dippers delicate arms hugging him immediately wrapped his arms around dippers waist. Bill them continued to sob , unable to locate the reason he was doing so. But still he gave into his own emotions , unable to control the sudden burst of sadness.

But suddenly there was an unfamiliar glow of bright yellow and baby blue from their fingers. Pulling back they suddenly stood up , soon the bright glows enveloped their bodies Dipper looked at his ring in surprise, but when he finally got a good look at Bill he was shocked , not because of the glow but what a mess Bill was.

Then the glow was too much for their eyes that they shut them to shield from the blinding rays covering their bodies.

Until it stopped. Dipper then inhaled deeply , smelling the familiar soothing scent of nature...Wait...Nature?

Dipper snapped his eyes open to register his current location. They were in the middle of a clearing in the forest , patches of random flowers here and there but what was weird was there were only blue unique unknown flowers and weird yellow with red tinted ones. But what stood out to dipper and Bill was the beautiful , old , cracked slab in front of them. Dipper crouched down and dusted the slab gently , thinking that it might break if you pushed too much pressure. Bill just stood there shell shocked as to why they were there , but what truly fascinated him were the rings. The rings in there ring finger. The ones that sent them here at this unknown location. Even to the great Bill Cipher.

Bill was snapped out of his daze when dipper let out a soft fast , Bill followed dippers movement , now looking at the stone slab in front of him. He now knew why dipper gasped the name on the stone was.....

Alcor D. Rephic

Beloved Husband to William Rephic.

Then the similar rings once again glowed. Bill ad Dipper clutched their heads, because of the sudden piercing pain striking in them. Suddenly memories unknown surged through their minds , as if a dam broke , different sceneries , different yet familiar people , different looks , it all looked familiar , it all felt like they lived through all of them.

That is until a certain memory played in their minds . The day where it all ended , the day where a certain blue eyed brunet died.

Dipper was first to snap out of it , tears were now brimming his chocolate brown eyes, which oddly now had permanent blue flecks here and there. His cheeks were flushed , he then let out a sob when he recognized the person beside him.


Bill was still clutching his head , his eyes closed shut , shielding his golden eye from the world. But then suddenly he began to claw his eye patch causing the said object to fall on the grassy ground.

Suddenly the dream demons eyes snapped open. Revealing those wonderful golden eyes , but the one that was usually covered by the eyepatch was a black slit with yellow surrounding it.

Bill then suddenly turn blue , literally . Big fat tears falling from his eyes. His mouth let out a pained sob . But then he started wailing , uncontrollable sobs racking his body , he started to hug his knees to his chest then he started mumbling. Completely forgetting the person beside him.

"Pinetree I'm so , so , so , sorry
For forgetting. For not visiting . For everything "

A soft , warm delicate hand , touched his shoulder , making Bill snap his head to his left.

"It's ok love, it was not your fault, that demon was at fault , he was the one who dragged you to the nightmare realm. He's ....... " Dipper paused, looking at his lover with kind ,forgiving , and understanding , eyes

" He's the one who made you forget about me"

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