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Inside her home, behind the safety of her closed door April cried. She was mad, she was hurt and she was frustrated. How could this filthy biker be the man who had stolen her heart?  What game is he playing she thought? April went into the room and changed her clothes after showering the street grime from her body and that motorcycle.  Walking along the beach for what seemed eternity she ended up a mile down from her home. Sitting there watching the tide come in. Afternoon turned to evening turned to night fall. April didn’t notice the cold or the fact it was night. She had tears on her cheeks because she knew on some level that the leader of the biker gang was in fact her secret admirer. The mystery man she fell in love with. April was so cruel that afternoon to him, now, he’s gone and there is no way to know for sure if anything was between them but lust on his part.

Michael had gone home for awhile he wanted to be alone but Samuel kept bugging him to hang with the boys down off HallendaleBeach. Finally Michael agreed so he would shut up and leave him in peace. They rode with five of their gang. Michael wasn’t in a good mood all he wanted was April and to be with her. This life was really making his sick. The Michael of before was almost all but gone. It was fun to hang with the boys when they were riding and hanging at the beach girl watching but the drugs and partying was a thing of the past. He never did the drugs but he did drink and party. Michael had also done other things he wasn’t proud of. In fact, he was ashamed of. His parents didn’t raise him to be like that and here he was a real douche bag. Unfeeling and cold until he saw April. Now his whole world has been rocked and he wants to make that change for her. Only now she thinks he’s a dirty piece of shit. Tears fell and he didn’t care. Samuel was too engrossed in his cat calls of the women walking by on the beach and through to the local casino just a cross from the beach. Glancing around he saw this lone figure on the beach in the dark. Michael couldn’t believe his eyes. April. She had walked up here over a mile from home? His heart pounded, his palms were sweaty. Michael’s knees grew weak at the sight of her. He gripped the handlebars of his bike to keep from running to her and holding her. Michael knew that would be a mistake because she hated him. No, not hated, loathed him.

Samuel; Dude you coming? We’re gonna cruise on down to LauderdaleBeach and grab some sushi and some hotties. Wink!

Michael; Nah man! I’m good. I got some things I need to take care of. I’ll catch ya in the morning.  Wink!

Samuel; It’s that girl huh? Dang man! Just fuck her and get it over with! Why are you letting some bitch throw your game? Find them, fuck them, forget them, remember?? Those were your words, your rules.

Michael :Yeah bro! I’m solid, I promise. Shaking his hand like always. Be cool and get yourself so of that fresh pussy.

Samuel; Oh man! You know I will. I’m gonna bury my sausage deep inside that sexy muffin.  He grabs his crotch and gyrates.

 Michael; giggling man you are too much. You better hit it before you miss it!

Samuel; No lie dude! He rides off.

Michael is left there to watch April. His vision of loveliness, his angel that haunts his soul. Michael had to try to talk with her so he gets off his bike and walks over but stands in front of her facing the water 5 ft from her. He sighs and bows his head.

April looking over at him thinks what the hell?  But says, why are you following me. Didn’t I make it clear to you I don’t want anything to do with you ever!

Michael; Believe it or not, I am not following you. Why do you think I am a beach over a mile away from your home? I could bear to be so close to you and not be able to see you. To touch you, to tell you I love you. Yes, I said it. I am in love with you. I fell in love with you almost the moment I saw you. I’m not who you think I am. Not anymore. I don’t want to be that man anymore. I haven’t in a while but after seeing you, and falling for you, I know I could never be that man again. I want a different life. I want a life with you in it and I will do whatever it takes to show you I am not the filthy scoundrel you think I am. This is a public beach by the way and I have every right to be here as you. I come to the beach a lot to think and clear my head. It’s therapeutic.

April; Well, can you do it somewhere else. I don’t want anything to do with you. Love me haha!! That’s why I saw you all over those girls the other day! She was rubbing your crotch and you were fingering her crotch sucking on her tits in public. You are disgusting!

Michael; Yes, you are right, I did that. But when I saw you and knew I want to be with you. I stopped and made her leave. I even rode away on my bike to be far from them all. Since that day and I found out where you live, I’ve sort of been sitting near always just so I can be close to you. I have spent several nights in my car sleeping so I can be near if you  need anything. I have sat on my bike and watched and prayed hoping you would come down and talk to me.

April: Well, you have wasted your efforts. I’m not interested I don’t want your advances. Been down that road once, I’m not going back to that but I will say I admire your persistence just it’s wasted on me as I’m not into your life style I don’t’ ride, I’m not a thief and I don’t do drugs, party like an animal and bed hop.

Michael; just because I ride doesn’t mean I do all that. Yes I party but no I don’t bed hop either and not I don’t do drugs or anything else. I can see that no matter what I say, you will never believe me so, I’m not going to bother anymore. Under his breath as tears fell, he said forget. I’d rather be dead then to be without you. With that he turned and started away.

April; jumping up and running after him. Michael wait. I-I’m sorry. I just don’t understand why me?

Michael; because simply. You are beautiful to me. Inside and out, I have seen you with others. You have a loving heart that melts mine.

April biting her lip. Steps forward and kisses Michael.

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