Chapter 8

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Sonia's P.O.V

*Friday Morning*

I woke up to my alarm at 7:15. Aghh that irritating sound!!! Yeah, I set my alarm to 15 minutes before usual because I always am a minute before the college bell rings. I woke up and sat back on my bed. This whole week after that talk with Andrew, I have stayed away from him. Surprisingly he didn't even push me into talking with him a lot either. Just asking about notes from here and there and that's all. On the other hand, I and Damian have started to hang out a lot lately. We go to classes together, have lunch together and even walk to our lockers together. Andrew doesn't have a happy face when he sees us together but he doesn't say anything. He really is a strange boy. 

I got out of my bed and got ready for college. I wore a dark blue T-shirt and some light blue jeans. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and let some of my dark strands out on the sides of my face. Next, I applied some eyeliner and lip gloss. I checked the time and it was 7:30. I went to the kitchen and made myself some hot chocolate. I spread some Nutella on a bread piece and did my breakfast. I checked my phone and had one unread message. I thought it was the unknown number but instead, I got a text from Andrew. 

Wait a minute. I don't remember exchanging numbers with him. And how come his name and number are saved on my phone?

Opening the text it said,

"Meet me by the college gate in 10 minutes"

The text was received at 7:31 which was 3 minutes ago. How does he expect me yo reach the college gate in 7 minutes? More important than that, why would he wanna meet me? I made up my mind. I am not gonna meet him. No way not at all.

I locked my house and got into my car. I drove to college at a normal speed not bothering at all about Andrew's text. I don't plan on avoiding him if he wants to talk about something, but if he does, he'll have to wait. 

As I drove past the bus stop, I saw the same guy from the other day. He is here every day now so I don't really bother anymore. But I am a bit curious about him. I mean he always has this hoodie on with a serious expression. So I never got to see his face.

I reached college at 8:00 sharp. Parking my car, I went into college. Andrew wasn't standing there. Or maybe he never was.

I went up to my locker and started taking out what I needed for my first lesson. Lola hadn't been here since the past week because she exchanged classes. We don't have the first classes together anymore. We just meet each other in some of our classes now. 

I was about to shut my locker when I felt a hand over my mouth. I started struggling for freedom but all in vain. One hand was on my mouth preventing me from screaming and another was on round my waist. The person started dragging me into the janitor's closet. I tried to get out from his grip but he was much stronger. Once in the closet, the man shut the door and spun around. My eyes met two deep black angry eyes.

"Where the hell have you been? I told you to be here at 7:50 sharp!" He practically screamed.

"Why would I listen to you? Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do? Besides, you even sneaked into my phone and saved your number. How the hell do you think I'm gonna listen to you?!" I screamed back.

Forget the part where I said I would listen to what he had to say. I wasn't gonna listen to anything he says anymore.

"Don't raise your voice at me. Don't" he said in a threatening voice pointing a finger at me. He also took some deep breaths indicating that he was really pissed and trying to calm himself down.

"Then don't boss me around," I said

He sighed. His eyes weren't as deep and dangerous now but he was still angry. He started in a much calmer tone now. Looks like the breathing helped. 

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