Chapter 15

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Sonia's P.O.V

My eyes opened to the bright light of the room. Not being able to adjust to the sudden brightness, I had to close them again. I sat up on the bed and thought of what had happened to me. Ohh right. I had been kidnapped by Andrew and was in a place where he can kill and bury me without even anyone knowing. No big deal. Note the sarcasm. I looked around the huge sapphire room. I had already looked down the window and knew it was too high for me to jump. Of course they had taken my phone so I couldn't contact anyone. But the problem wasn't that. In fact getting out of this house wasn't even a problem at all to me. The main problem was to escape the main gate without the stupid alarm going off. But what if there was no alarm. What if Drew had lied to me just to scare me. But again what if there was? I had to find out first.

I got out of bed and into the bathroom. Avoiding the mirror, I bent down to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face.

"You're mine"

Those words kept ringing in my head starting another migraine. Keep calm Sonia. You can do this. You have to find a way out. Well easier said than done miss inner subconscious.

I walked back into the room only to find Andrew sitting on my bed. Just what I needed. Not!

"What do you want?" I asked with a serious face and tone.

He gave out a laugh

"Well just look at that. Little Sonia stopping me from coming into a room of my own house. How rude" he made a fake hurt face.

"I didn't stop you from anything" was all I said

"Well my love you actually can never stop me from doing anything" he said with a cocky grin. Man I wanted to punch him so hard

"Come I got you something to eat" he said motioning towards a tray of food set at the side table I hadn't noticed till yet

"I'm not hungry" I lied. I was starving

"Don't lie darling. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, pardon the day before yesterday night"

I was really confused by now. Had I slept that long? I remember till yesterday morning I was tied up in his basement. Was it yesterday that I came into this room?

As if reading my thoughts he answered

"There's nothing to be worried about. You were still under the influence of the drug I used to kidnap you. And yesterday you took a medicine I gave for your headache which was quite strong. So being passed out for this long is just normal" he said in the most casual way ever

"You're a prick" I blurted out

All he did was laugh

"Baby you can think that but let me tell you one thing" he was now off the bed and walking towards me "I own you now and you shall do everything I say. You will obey my every command and you will not talk back to me" he was now inches away from me. Arms crossed over his chest his tall figure leaned into my small one

"What makes you think I will listen to anything you say?" I said crossing my arms over my chest trying to look as confident as he was being. But of course that did not happen

"Baby trust me you will. Because if you don't then there will be consequences. And big ones"

"Oh yeah? Like what" this confidence of mine wasn't really a smart thing to do as Andrew's features immediately turned hard, his eyes dark. He started circling around me as if blocking any way of escape

"First I will rip you apart from the outside world. You won't be able to see any of your friends ever again. Then I will take you to a place where no one will be able to find you. And if you continue with this attitude of yours then I might hurt your lovey dovey four eyed wanker" he stopped talking and stood in front of me like before.

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