69. The Girl He Never Noticed

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Mild swearing below and uhh I didn't like this book...

Title: The Girl He Never Noticed

Author: sweetdreamer33

Rating: 1.5/10

Status: First book - Completed
                Second book - On-going

Genre: Romance

Quote: ( Was really long but here's the basis: )

• Generic meet Jade sentences the girl of this, this and this. The human embodiment of a billionaire Mary-Sue love interest, depressing past ect.

• Generic meet Eros the human embodiment of the stereotypical rich kid billionaire who has all the girls he wants ect...


I passionately oh so passionately hated Eros and Jade. Hated them. To the point that I haven't finished the book and I honestly don't want to.

They literally started complaining about stuff like this:

Jade - I was bullied because I was to pretty and people envied my hair colour.

Eros - I was bullied because I have to much money.

............... like bitch I wish I had you're problems. I get bullying is awful and really harmful to the victim but that wasn't the way it was portrayed in the book it again like most tragic things were majorly downplayed in Wattpad 'books'.

I just borderline hated this book and was bored through most of it that's why I just couldn't finish it. I've never like not finished a book until recently. Hell I even read the entirety of the shatter me series ( god that was a chore and a half ).

Spoilers Below; Be warned...

I get it Jade is meant to be this beautiful girl but why does the author constantly have to say things like:

'I wear thick black rimmed glasses, old clothing and a black wig to make myself look less pretty ect ect.'

'Now those black rimmed glasses are off people will see the real me not the nerd me.'

'I can now be the real me with my red hair instead of my wig.'

I'm all for women flaunting what they've got but not when they're putting them self and others who are reading the book in society's boxes.

Pretty girl = Big boobs, tall, slim, glasses and braces-less and long natural hair.

Nerdy unassuming girl = Dark hair, black rimmed glasses, braces and vintage clothing.

Why is this book pushing boxes like that onto people?

I take extreme offence to that because I have glasses, dark-ish hair ( kinda ) and tend to wear more conservative clothing for fear of slut shaming and being made fun of for not being able to 'pull off' the look to other people's standards.

To be honest I stopped giving a fuck about what society thinks of me years ago! Screw them and do what makes you happy.

This book doesn't make me happy it makes me want to staple my eyes open so that I'm basically not failing asleep with my phone on my face. #Boredasfuck

This book pushes that girls like me are the 'girls they'll never notice' and honestly it's the fucking worst. I do not want to finish this book because it doesn't dictate that everyone is pretty in their own way it's stating that one way is the 'attractive' group in society.

Don't even get me started on the plot. YAWN! Literally the same thing I've read a hundred thousand times before.

Billionaire goes into coffee shop. Basically has an orgasm because her coffee tastes great apparently and he wants to hire her. She says no because honour and shit for her family and loyalty for her boss. Boss conveniently dies and she makes coffee for hot billionaire for a while he shouts at her once, cut to cute generic scenes yada yada yada... she says she'll quit he doesn't let her.

She ends up working for him for a few years they fall in love, he genetically gets jealous like three times. Then proposes marriage to her with a contact and says she'll have to sleep with him. Like the good moral girl she is she said no ( SHOCKING TWIST WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED IT? ) he then picks her up for dinner and finds out her past... and then a most probable generic as hell ending where he gets jealous again they break up. This scene appears:

"I can't live without you generic Mary-Sue billionaire love interest #1000000. Please take me back!"

"No I won't take you back generic hot possessive billionaire!" She said without much gusto before he 'punishingly' kisses her and she walks straight back into his dick... uhh arms I mean arms totally.

Then they live happily ever after until they have kids and die!

Like please Eros and Jade I'm sure you're ending is cute but I will not be reading it.

Also Eros who the actual fûck are you able to tell a girls cup size just by looking at her boobs for like 30 seconds? I can't even tell what cup size my own boobs are and I've lived with them my whole life!

Overall I didn't like this book. There wasn't a quirky character I could relate to and it was so cliched I could see the ending of a fifty-one chapter book from the first two lines of chapter one. Why is it such a long book?

Her sister character was trying way to hard to be 'quirky and fun' that it was annoying. Jade was just annoying and totally downplayed her past.

Eros... yeah just no dude.

All of Eros family members like did you even exist we meet you once.

All in all I will not be finishing this book. It was predictable with characters drier than a camels vagina covering its pages.

Like I'm sorry to the author sweetdreamer33  because I loved some of you're other books but this one just didn't do it for me.

Please recommend some non-superficial original books for me to review? I'm honestly so bored of good girl meets hot guy and both have a shocking past ( OH MY GOD WOULD NEVER HAVE GUESSED? ) then hook up and have kids...

Like that's not real life. Sorry not sorry.

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