Chapter 1-

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Biana squealed in her ear, waking her in the most annoying way possible. "Eeek!"

Sophie sat up so fast that she felt vaguely dizzy. Forcing her eyes open, she tried to make out the details of the room, but they were still adjusting. "What's wrong?" She demanded.

Her friend giggled. "Why do you think something's wrong? I mean, it's only like we're getting our matchmaker scrolls today!"

Sophie let out a groan, glancing around the room to see if her other friends were here. "Where's everyone else?"

Biana shrugged. "I made sure they stayed downstairs, because, well, what girl wants to wake up to a crowd without makeup on?"

Sophie raised her hand with a cocky smile. "Me?"

Biana pouted. "Just hurry up," she said grouchily.

"Okay, okay," Sophie said getting out of bed. Clapping her hands and letting light flood the room, she went to her closet to grab the first pair of jeans with a tunic that she saw.

"No way you're actually wearing that," said her friend, who was peeking over her shoulder. "Here, let me."

Sophie's cheeks heated, but she moved aside to let Biana find the gown she thought was good. Hurrying over to Vertina, she found a hairbrush and started to tug it through her tangled frizz.

"Whoa!" The mirror said at first glance. "Want me to help?"

Glaring daggers at the mirror, she only nodded, hoping that it would involve something like a miracle.

Soon, Vertina had made her hair into some braided ponytail completed with a twist on top. Turns out, that was just in time.

Keefe strode into the room, glancing at Biana before his eyes rested on her.

Flushing, she looked at her feet. "So, what do you think?"

"Um," he said, kind of speechless, "you look really cute."

Sophie only looked at her feet, wishing that she wouldn't blush so easily. "You really think so?"

Keefe nodded, a bit in awe. "Yeah."

Biana had been watching the exchange from the side, but Sophie only noticed her now. "You guys are really cuuute!" She squealed.

Sophie scowled.

Biana frowned at her, then glanced at Keefe. "Excuse us, I haven't done her makeup and dress yet."

Keefe looked at her, a twinkle coming into his eyes. "Well, then, excuse me. Good luck with that one," he joked before waltzing out.


Biana had made her look like she was attending an important event. When she looked in the mirror, it was impossible to recognize the person who was looking back at her. Sophie glanced at Biana in disbelief, pointing her finger at the mirror. "Is that really me?"

"Yep," Biana said, with a smirk. "That dress looks adorable on you, don't you think?"

She only groaned, starting down the stairs, her face lighting up when she saw her friends. "Hi, guys!"

"Gosh," Linh gasped. "Sophie, you look really, really pretty."

Fitz looked at her, something about the hungry desire in his eyes making her feel nervous.

Sophie felt her cheeks growing hot. Shaking her head, she said, "Biana should get all the credit, really."

Tam jumped in smiling at Biana. "Yeah, you did a really great job."

Linh exchanged glances with Sophie. It was no secret that Tam had a crush on Biana.

The victim of the compliment only blushed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Thanks." Her words were for Tam, but her eyes were for Keefe.

Keefe was staring at Sophie, studying her. Taking something from his back pocket, he started to sketch her.

Dex spoke now, filling the awkward silence. "Ready to go, guys?" His voice seemed really strained, looking at everyone but Sophie.

A chorus of "Yeah!" went up from the kids, and they all climbed upstairs to the Leapmaster to leap away.


Author's Note-

Almost all characters belong to Shannon Messenger.

If you haven't already, please consider checking out my second account for more of my writing. I have all of my original work (that's not fanfiction) on this account.It's _surreality.

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