Chapter 5-

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Sophie wasn't really sure why she'd agreed to the date, but she had, and now it was too late to refuse, unless she wanted to really hurt Keefe's feelings. Still, she did like, like Keefe, but she like liked Fitz too. Maybe even a little bit better. But Keefe had asked first, so she was going to go with him.

Sighing, she rang the doorbell at Candleshade, feeling ridiculous in her too poofy, too frilly, too girly dress with over-the-top makeup. Biana had been mad at her for saying that she didn't want makeup, and taken it out on her poor face.

Keefe opened the gates, trying to stifle his laugh, and failing. "Biana was really mad at you, wasn't she?"

"Yeah," Sophie admitted, blushing furiously. "Is it okay if I ask Edaline to conjure me something suitable? This is just...ugh."

"Um, yeah. I'm not flirting with you in that getup," He said with a smirk.

"You just did," she said accusingly. Calling Edaline on her imparter, she said, "Could you get me something suitable to wear with your ability?"

Her adoptive mother looked at her in pity. "Of course, dear. I'll give you two different options."

"Thanks," she replied. Glancing up at Keefe, she shrugged. "Want to go inside?"

"Duh." He bent with a bow and took her hand, kissing the top of it and looking at her. "May I lead you upstairs, m'lady?"

Sophie pretended to do one of those girly giggles, then glared at him before taking his hand. "Sure." Her face felt hot, and she had a feeling that they wouldn't only be doing homework.

"Sure," he said in a flawless imitation of her. Then he gently tugged on her hand, and they made their way to the Vortinator.

"If I throw up, this is all your fault," Sophie cautioned.

"Don't worry Foster," Keefe said, patting her back. "You'll be in good hands."

"Not so sure about that," she teased. Stepping onto the machine, she glanced at him, waiting for him to tell it what floor to go to.

"133!" He called out, and grabbed the railing.

Sophie tightened her hand on him and the railing, knowing that she was going to get very nauseous, even if she took the proper precautions. Bracing herself just wasn't going to do it.

The Vortinator spun to life, and she was incredibly sure she'd left her stomach somewhere on the first floor as she stumbled off, feeling like she was going to hurl. Leaning heavily on Keefe, she noticed how smug he was about this. "You planned this, didn't you?"

He only smirked. "Maybe. Maybe not."

Sophie sighed, and then two gowns appeared in her hand. "Here's my change of clothes, I guess."

Keefe took her other hand back, and pulled her into his room, pointing to the bathroom and the closet. "You can change in one of those places if you want, just don't touch anything or you might set off a trap. Don't step in the right corner of either of them." He let go of her hand.

"Thanks," she mumbled choosing the bathroom. "Do you have anything to wipe off this makeup with? Or redo my hair with?"

He rolled his eyes. "I have a few hair products to spare, and I'm sure I can find something."

Sophie walked into the bathroom. That was an understatement. He had at least five hundred with names like LovelyLocks and DyeDude from Slurps and Burps. Closing the door, she quickly changed into the gown that was more her style. Edaline seemed to think that this was an actual date, so she'd gotten her really fancy dresses. She sighed. Going to the sink, she washed off all of her makeup, feeling kind of exposed for once without it. Turning the knob, she opened the door to a boy sitting on his bed. "What do you think?"

"Cute, Foster." He took one look at her hair and dragged her into the bathroom. Sweeping the counter, he took out a comb, some LovelyLocks and elixirs.

"Are you...gonna do my hair?" Sophie asked.

Keefe blushed. "It's not like you know how to use any of these hair products. Besides, knowing you, and being the king of Good Hair Land, I know you're just going to mess it up more."

She sighed. He was right. But it was just kind of embarrassing so she grabbed a brush and ran it through her hair, ignoring the fact that he used it quite often. After brushing for five minutes she looked in the mirror. She blanched. She'd just made it worse; it had poofed out in a tangled mess. Sophie glanced at Keefe, who was in a fit of giggles. "Can you help?"

"Um," he said, in between a laughing. "Yeah, sure. I told you."

Sophie glared at him, then handed him the brush. "Be gentle, or you aren't going to like the results."

"Sheesh, Foster," Keefe said as he took the brush. "Feisty."

She only gave him a Really? Look in response. He was actually gentle about it, and when he was done, she glanced up at the mirror only to gasp. He hair had been pulled back into a braid down her back. The braid was really pretty looking, and there wasn't a hair out of place. She turned to look at Keefe in astonishment. "Wow, you really are the King of Good Hair Land."

"Told ya so," he patted the top of his head. Then he marched out of the bathroom and flopped onto his bed. "Ready to get started on that mimicking?"

"Um, yeah." Sophie tried to copy the way he formed words in casual, there's-always-some-joke-behind-it tone. "Told ya so."

Keefe did a slow facepalm. "You need so much work..." He grinned. "It's a wonder you haven't taken me up on this since I offered."

She sighed. "If only." Meeting his gaze, she raised her eyebrows. "So, any tips?"

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