Chapter 14-

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Chaptear 13- Biana & Sophie POVs

Biana POV

"So, I'm totally stressed out, okay? Fitz, just get the message: out! Please, my love life is enough without yours on top of that. Ugh, I swear, if you don't get out I will sic Tam on you." She screeched.

"Jeez, Sis," her brother said, obviously too self-centered to care about anyone else in his life. "I just want your advice."

"I don't—I can't—UGH!" Biana stood up and shoved her brother out of her room, slamming the door and locking it. Putting her back to it, she slid down into a sitting position, resting her head in her hands. Her life was way too complicated for anyone her age. At least Sophie didn't have a brother!

Breathing in and out rapidly, she went over to her desk and stuffed her mouth with Mint candies that she'd gotten from Sophie, who was baking human stuff all the time now. The fresh taste instantly relaxed her, and she sighed.

Her head spinning, she nabbed her imparter, calling Tam and Dex. "I'm sorry you guys, but I'm going to need a month before I can go on a date with either of them. My life is, like, way too complicated right now, and I can't deal with this. It has nothing to do with you, okay?" She hung up on them, her shoulders sagging.

A low knock sounded on her door, and Biana turned around, annoyed enough already. Her voice filled with knives, she sneered, "Who is it?"

Hesitation. "Sweetie, I haven't seen you all day. Is everything alright?"

"Mom?" Biana hopped off the bed, instantly unlocking the door. "Just...not really."

Della instantly cupped her hands around her daughter's face. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Giving a forced smile, she only gestured for her mother to sit on the bed, closing and locking the door behind her. Making her way over to her beanbag chair, she flopped down with a thudding noise. "Tam and Dex both asked me out, Fitz is being infuriating as usual, he'd asking me for girl advice, Sophie is relying on me for beauty advice and relationship advice, and I'm so behind on my homework from Foxfire...I'm so stressed."

Her mother nodded, a thoughtful look appearing on her face. "What's an immediate trouble? Let's tackle that first."

"Homework, I guess."

"So, finish that first." Della replied evenly. "The—wait no, don't do that first. Ripplefluff, you look as though you haven't slept in days. Take a nap, then tackle the homework."

"Yeah, okay," Biana said, checking her nails that she'd done that morning. Even though her mother was doing this to make her feel better, it wasn't working very well. But at this point, she was desperate, so she climbed under the sheets. "Goodnight, Mom."

"'Night, ripplefluff." The lights flicked off.

Sophie POV


She glanced up to see her mom, who was looking at her with rounded eyes. "What's up?"

"Grady and I have an announcement, so if you'd like to come down and hear it, now would be a good time."

"Sure." Sophie clambered off her bed, catching Ella right before she hit the ground. Putting her back on the bed, she followed her parents downstairs.

Grady smiled at her shyly, something that never happened. "Don't be mad, okay?"

"Mad?" Her nose wrinkled. "I'm so confused right now. Just tell me?"

Edaline didn't waste any more time. "I'm pregnant."

"Whoa!" Sophie's head started reeling. "When did you find this out?"

Her mother looked at her apologetically. "The day you started dating Keefe...I didn't want to risk ruining your perfect day."

"Are you—" Grady started to ask, his forehead furrowed.

"Not mad," she assured him. ""

"I know!" Edaline squealed, then started rambling. "Do you think it will be a boy or girl? I'm hoping a baby boy, honestly. How cute would that be?"

"Well, I, for one, am hoping this will be a girl considering how great Sophie turned out," Grady said with a wink in her direction. "What about you?"

"Gosh, I don't know," Sophie said with a small smile. "You gonna ask Elwin?"

"No," her mother replied instantly. "We want it to be a surprise."

"Ooh! Can I help you shop for the baby once he or she's born?" Sophie looked up eagerly. She wanted to be a proud big sister, the one who picked out the trendiest clothes for her sibling. She wasn't much into shopping, but this was special.

Her father shrugged. "If you want. Personally, unless it's a boy, count me out. Shopping is not my forte."

She laughed. Grady was right on that; Edaline and her were constantly nagging him about his poor taste in fashion, though it wasn't always that bad. It was quite fun.

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