Chapter 2-

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Chapter 2-

Sophie wasn't really looking forwards to this. Whichever boy was the highest on her matchmaker's list, it was hardly going to be a fun time.

Swallowing, she followed her friends into a strange office building, eyeing its modern design. Everything about this place felt cold. Unfriendly.

Biana marched up confidently to the receptionist. "We're here for our matchmaker's scrolls."

An elf glanced up from behind his huge desk, putting down the papers he was studying to look up at them. "Names?"

"Biana and Fitz Vacker, Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Dex Dizznee, and Tam and Linh Song, sir." Came Biana's confident reply.

"Sophie Foster, hmm?" It was so low that she wasn't sure anyone else had heard it. The elf from behind the desk rose and pulled out a file cabinet drawer and pulled out a scroll case and handed it to her. Slowly, he repeated the process for all of her friends.

By the time he was done, Sophie was shivering.

Keefe noticed, and unclasped his cloak from his shoulders. "Here," he said, wrapping it around her gently.

"Th-thanks," Sophie chattered back, hoping her cheeks weren't as red as she thought they were.

Somehow, Keefe seemed oblivious to the nasty glaring happening from Fitz and Dex. That was something cute about him, Sophie decided.

Gripping her scroll case, she made it outside before Biana started squealing.

"Can you believe it? We actually have our scrolls!" She was actually jumping up and down as she said this, and Sophie couldn't help but notice Tam watching her with some sort of amusement in his eyes.

"Yes, Biana." He said dryly. "It's a miracle."

Biana only shot him a dirty look before turning to the rest of the group. "Do you guys want to open them now?"

Fitz shook his head. "We should open them somewhere a bit more private, don't you think?" He shot Sophie a sideways look, as though this were for her benefit.

"Good idea," Dex said quickly, smiling at Sophie.

"Sounds good to me too," Linh said with a nice smile at Fitz. "We could do it at Everglen by the lake—I think that would be really nice."

"Yes!" Biana squealed. She tucked her scroll case under her arm, everyone else doing likewise. Quickly pulling out her home crystal, she grabbed Keefe's hand. Was she blushing?

Sophie didn't have time to decide as Keefe grabbed her hand, quickly followed by Linh, who grabbed Fitz's hand. Fitz awkwardly held out a hand, and both Dex and Tam hesitated before Tam grabbed it. Dex then grabbed his hand, which was just in time because Biana had already cast the beam of light and stepped into it, taking everyone else with her.

Everglen glittered before them now—blinding gates and all. Keefe was the first to let go of someone's hand. Everyone else quickly followed, and Fitz stepped forwards to lick the silver DNA strip. The gates swung open quietly.

Biana stepped inside, followed by everyone else. The six of them made their way down the paths in the woods. Soon they were by the lake, which was sparkling and filled with—

"Moonlarks?" Sophie said in disbelief. "I thought your dad returned those."

"Well, yeah," Fitz said, his cheeks flaming. "But he decided to keep them, and the Council let him skip all the applications, so now..." He gestured to the bunches of moonlarks.

"Wow," Linh whispered softly. "That's kind of amazing."

Tam nodded in agreement, speechless.

"Well," Dex said, being horribly practical. "I think that we should open these." He held up his scroll case.

Keefe laughed. "Foster chill out, okay?  Your emotions are messing up my excitement, besides, you look like a ghost."

Sophie glared at him, choosing to sit by Dex instead. "Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" Biana said immediately. She plopped down and read all of the people she knew.

Biana's List-

1. Dempsey Palltoy.

2. Tam Song (Tam looked like he would want to jump for joy when she said his name...)

3. Dex Dizznee

4. Jensi Prescott.

5. Wylie Endal

"That's all of the people I know," Biana said. "Except..." She looked like she was gonna cry now. "Keefe thirty-second." It was no secret that she had a crush on him.

Linh quickly volunteered to read her list next. She read everyone in her top five.

Linh' s List-

1. Fitz Vacker (Linh's smile went big here.)

2. Dex Dizznee

3. Frad Paxter

4. Xavier Stilter

5. Keefe Sencen (Biana gave Linh the dirtiest look ever.)

Fitz looked uncomfortable at his name as her first match. "Um, I guess I can read mine next."

1. Sophie Foster (He didn't look at her at all, but her heart did that stupid fluttering thing anyway.)

2. Trella Fox

3. Linh Song (She was beaming now.)

4. Layla Feater

5. Regan Merth

Keefe shot Fitz an evil look, whipping his scroll out of his scroll case with relish. "I have Sophie as my second..." He shot her one of his mischievous looks while Dex and Fitz glared at him. Then he looked down at his list and his face sagged. "I have Linh as my 5th, and Biana as my thirty-eighth."

Biana's eyes went unfocused, as she pinched herself. Sophie really couldn't blame her for wishing that it was all just a bad dream; she was doing the same.

Dex recited his list, but at this point Sophie wasn't even paying attention. The only thing she heard was him reading off, "Dina Fodler," and then his face lighting up. He'd had a crush on her for so long, this was a huge accomplishment, though it still made him blush when she wrapped him in a hug.

"Are you gonna ask her out?" Biana inquired with one of her sassy poses.

Red splotches appeared on his cheeks. "Maybe. I don't know."

Tam read his list off next, a bit too eagerly. "Biana is my second, Sophie my eighth, Marella my tenth...Maruca my first." Though he wasn't blushing, she could tell he was uncomfortable.

"So, who's next?" Keefe asked. Then he grinned. "Right, it's Foster because her emotions just turned to dread."

She desperately tried to make up an excuse, with no prevail. "Um..." In her trembling hand, she desperately tried not to drop it. Unfurling the ribbon, she pulled open the paper only to see....


Author's Note~

Thanks to everyone here that reviewed my story--I am always interested in improving, so shout-out to you all. I'm planning to keep this fan fiction active, so be on the lookout for new chapters! Another thanks goes to everyone who has written a Keeper fan are the ones who inspired me to write this.

So...about that cliff hanger...sorry, not sorry. I love, love, love cliffys and am going to be doing them on almost every chapter.

I hope you enjoy the next chapter:)


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