Chapter 9-

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Chapter 9- Two POV Chapter (Fitz and Sophie)

Fitz POV

Fitz was ready, letting his friends through the gate with confidence. Today he was going to ask Sophie out. He'd known that she had formerly had a crush on him. Not all of those feelings could have gone away, right? But he was the obvious choice. He had her number one, and she had him second on the match list. He suddenly scowled. The only thing, was that he and Keefe were tied on her list, but surely, she would choose Fitz, right?

"Dude," Keefe said, shaking his head. "What are you thinking? Your expression is totally priceless."

Fitz forced a smile, trying to control his emotions. "Nothing, just that we are going to have a lot of fun."

His best friend's eyebrows shot up, and he grumbled to himself, obviously not believing his excuse. "Okaaaay."

He swiftly quickened his pace, not wanting Sophie behind them to hear their conversation. "Let's just go inside."

Biana was already sitting in the living room, looking quite bored with herself. When she glanced up and saw them, her face lit up. "Finally, where were you guys?"

"Coming here," Keefe said, casually flopping onto the rug, throwing his arm on Sophie, who was beside him.

Fitz squinted at his friend's arm on his crush. What was going on between those two? Sophie wasn't even blushing; instead, she leaned into Keefe, a soft smile on her face. Can I talk to you? He transmitted.

Of course, Sophie's soft voice echoed through his head.

"I have an announcement to make!" His best friend's voice rose up.

Sophie stood. Keefe shot her a questioning look as Sophie stood up, and in response, she just shrugged. Making her way over to him, she followed him into his room.

"I've got something to ask you." Fitz's heart started to pound. "Will you go out with me?"

"Oh." Sophie's face fell.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his sense of dread returning.

" know that Keefe was going to make an announcement just now?"

He nodded, hoping this wasn't going where he thought it was.

"He...was gonna announce that we're dating." Sophie glanced up, uncomfortable. "Sorry, Fitz. I would've said yes if you'd asked me first. But now..." She shook her head before turning and running out of the room.

Everything hit him at once: anger, jealousy, disappointment and worst of all, sadness. Somehow, he was surprised. He didn't actually feel angry at Keefe. It was his fault that he hadn't gotten his girl, after all. But...Sophie. He couldn't believe she'd chosen Keefe.

Sophie POV

She couldn't believe this. Just when she thought that her life was perfect...really Fitz? When he'd transmitted to her, she was curious. What a mistake.


Fitz flopped onto the bed, wringing his hands. "I have something to tell you," he'd stated carefully, not meeting her eyes. Now he glanced up. "Will you go out with me?"

Her mouth went dry. "Oh." Her face fell. He was asking this now?

"What's wrong?" His eyes searched hers eagerly, but not in a good way.

" know that Keefe was going to make an announcement just now?" Her stuttering voice was grim as she noticed his expression harden.

Fitz nodded.

"He...was gonna announce that we're dating." Sophie didn't know what else to say. She was trying not to hurt his feelings, but it was probably too late anyway. She was going to try anyway. "Sorry, Fitz. I would've said yes if you'd asked me first. But now..." She couldn't finish the thought. She turned and ran.


She curled up in Calla's tree, hidden by the many leaves and blossom all around her. This had always been her safe place when she needed it, with Calla. It was all too easy to imagine Calla right where she was, cupping her hands around Sophie's face. Stay strong, my Moonlark.

Fitz POV

He went back to where the group was. Scanning faces, he frowned when he didn't see her. "Where's Sophie?"

Keefe's face turned from light to dark so fast that it was scary. "Why don't you tell me, I'm her boyfriend, after all."

"Wait—she's not here?"

"Does it look like she's here, Wonderboy?" Dex spat.

Keefe stood. "I'm going to go looking for her."

"She ran off after we talked, so I have no idea where you should look." Fitz said hesitantly.

Biana narrowed her eyes. "Mind telling us what this little chat was about, brother?"

Fitz's face flushed. "Um...nothing."

Dex glanced at Keefe. "Good luck! If I were you, though, I would start by Calla's tree; it's her safe place."

"Affirmative," he saluted, then stalked over to Fitz, his lips brushing his ear in a soft but deadly way. "Stay away from my girlfriend." With that, he leaped away.

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