Chapter 15-

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Chapter 15-

Sophie's head was spinning. After she'd gone up to her room, she'd been unable to sleep, thinking about the day's events. Even without a photographic memory, she knew that she would have remembered today of all days. Now she rubbed her temples, attempting to stop her crushing headache.

Her imparter interrupted her, beeping like mad. Sophie groaned and rubbed her temples, nabbing the small device from her desk. "Hello?"

"'Sup, Foster!" There was only one person who it could be.

"Keefe," she greeted lamely. "Just...stuff on my mind." She smiled at him.

"What type of stuff?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "Like, what happened in Calla's tree, or something else?"

"Edaline's pregnant," Sophie blurted, and a crushing headache surged through the mental wall she'd built. She winced, massaging her temples and imagining her stupid headache outside of her mind, relaxing when it left. It'd been five minutes, and Keefe hadn't replied, so she glanced at him.

Her boyfriend had been silent, a pondering expression coming across his face. He met her eyes across the screen. "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"

She shook her head. "It's kind of a shock to hear; especially after what happened with Jolie and what I went through."

"I would imagine," Keefe said. He combed his fingers through his messed-up hair, making it look better than it had previously. "You need to sleep," he said suddenly.

"What?" Sophie was caught off guard.

"When's the last time you slept?" He asked, concern clear in his expression.

Sophie only shrugged. "The last time you were holding me." She really hoped she wasn't blushing.

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