Chapter 3-

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Sophie unfurled her list. It was full of surprises, really.

1. Keefe Sencen (She was never going to hear the end of it.)

2. Fitz Vacker (Her heart fluttered, but quickly settled down again.)

3. Jensi Prescott (She didn't like him in that way.)

4. Dex Dizznee (She was glad she didn't get this when he still liked her as the feeling was not mutual.)

5. Frederick Pelton (Who the heck is he???)

6. Wylie Endal (Wasn't exactly on friendly terms with him...)

7. Tam Song (Nope.)

8. Valin Doile (Eww! Keefe was going to tease her big time now...oh, no.)

9. Dempsey Palltoy (She'd smacked him in the face with a splotcher, hard; he hated her.)

10. Derek Serth

Sophie felt her cheeks grow hot after reading the last name. Derek was the hottest guy at Foxfire—besides Fitz and Keefe of course. He had a perfect tan, with well-muscled arms and legs. The guy had the cutest smile (besides Fitz) and was so super sweet. He also didn't have a reputation as a player, unlike  Keefe and Fitz. She was totally going to throw a Winnowwing Gala just to meet him.

"Whoa, Foster, what's making you so excited over there?" Keefe asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Derek's on my list!" She squealed, before she could stop herself. "He's so, so cute!"

"Really?" Biana said, on her feet with Sophie on an instant. "Oh. My. God. Sophie, you're so, so lucky!"

Linh gasped, looking at her with newfound respect. "Seriously? He's like, the cutest guy in the school!" She shot her brother and the boys and uneasy look. "No offense." Linh and Tam had started Foxfire at Level Six, which was only a week ago.

"None taken," all four boys rushed to say—a bit too quickly.

Sophie squealed, jumping up and down. Then she stopped and sat back down. When did I become one of those girly-girls?

Keefe, Fitz, and Dex were giving all of the girls dirty looks now, and Linh and Biana sat down, faintly embarrassed.

"I don't get what he has that I don't," Keefe huffed loudly. "I mean, does he have The Hair?"

Biana, taking the chance, scooted over to him, putting her head on his shoulder. "You're perfect just the way you are, if someone doesn't see that, they're not worth it."

He, in return, put his arm around her. "Thanks, Biana."

"Yeah, thanks, Sis." Fitz chimed in, rolling his eyes.

Linh glanced at him shyly. "How are you jealous? You've got, like, everything!"

Fitz blushed. "Not everything," he remarked sullenly, throwing Sophie a glance.

Linh's gaze immediately dropped to her feet. "I see what you mean," she said quietly. Fitz didn't seem to understand that he'd hurt her feelings.

"Well," Sophie interrupted, "I have had a lovely time, but I have other business to attend to." Pulling out her pathfinder, she spun the top crystal, setting it on Havenfield. "Bye!" She cast the beam of light as everyone watched her step into it. The last thing she saw was Keefe pulling out his and saying that he needed to go too.

Arriving in at the green pastures, she made her way past Verdi to open the door to the house. Inside, Edaline was baking, humming to herself in the kitchen.

"Hmmmmmm, hmmm, hmmm," she hummed. Then she glanced up. "Hello, Sophie. How was your time at the Matchmakers'?" She said this with one of those aren't-you-the-cutest smiles that made her want to barf.

"Fine, Mom." Instead of focusing on the scroll in her hand, she pointed to the oven. "Whatcha bakin'?"

"Hmmm?" Edaline said distractedly. "Indigoobers, custard bursts, the usual."

"I'll leave you to it then," Sophie made her way to the stairs, starting to climb two steps at a time like she normally did.

It wasn't long until she reached her room, where something was waiting for her on her desk. It was from Sandor, who was taking the day off. It said, I'm at home, the Queen called a meeting. Call if you need anything...I've sent someone else to watch you, though they won't come out of hiding until needed.

"Hmph," she grumbled. Flopping onto her bed, she stared at the ceiling. So many matches...choosing between Fitz and all of her other matches.

A hollow knocking sounded at her door.

"Come in," Sophie called, expecting Edaline.

Instead, a blonde boy peeked his head in with a trademark smile full of mischief. "'Sup Foster," he stuck his tongue out casually, coming into the room as if it were his.

"Keefe," she greeted. "What are you doing here?" It was surprising that he wanted to come see her right after she'd left the group.

Plopping on the bed, he put his arm around her, gesturing with his other. "I wanted to ensure the future of Keefoster, of course."

Shrugging his arm off, she lay back on the bed. "In elfish...?" The prompt was good natured, but she wanted to get something out of him.

"In elfish there is no word known as 'elfish'," he joked, sidestepping the question. "Seriously, come on."

"Whatever," she said with a disdainful look. "So?"

"Look," Keefe said, solemn. "Do you want to...I dunno, hang out sometime?"

"Like a date?" Sophie sat up straight. She hadn't been expecting this from him, of all people. It was a nice surprise, but she couldn't be sure about how she felt. Her traitorous heart fluttered.

He made a face. "I prefer not to call it that. So, want to?" He looked uncomfortable, but at the same time he seemed way more serious than he normally was.

"I mean, sure, if it's only hanging out," Sophie said cautiously. "When do you want to?" Please not anything romantic...

"Um," Keefe chewed his lip. "After school, if you want. Maybe Candleshade?" He flipped gorgeous hair out of his eyes, which were sparkling with interest.

Cute. Sophie nodded. "Alright, I'll meet you there as soon as I change into something else afterschool."

"Great," he said. "What do you want to do?"

"Homework would be great, actually." Sophie said, not wanting things too awkward between them. "Could you give me some tips on those Polygot skills?"

"Duh." Keefe glanced down at her shoulders. "Can I get my cloak back now? I mean, unless you want to keep it."

"Oh, um," she stuttered. Her cheeks felt hot. "Of course." Swiftly unclasping it, she whipped it off in one smooth motion, holding it out to him.

"Thanks," Keefe joked. "Be there or be square."

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