Chapter 8-

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Chapter 8-

Sophie skipped into the house happily, whisking herself up the stairs in a trance. Dodging her parents' questions, she flopped on her bed, daydreaming of Keefe.

An imparter call interrupted her thoughts, and she sighed, seeing that it was Biana. Knowing she couldn't ignore her friend, she picked up. "Hello Biana!"

"Sophie!" She greeted from the other end of the call. "How was your date with Keefe?"

"Perfect," Sophie said dreamily, staring off into space.

"Snap out of it!" Biana demanded. "Did you tell him not to tell Fitz?"

She froze. She'd completely forgotten. She would have to hail him really soon. "Um, no."

Her friend frowned. "Well, you better do it before he starts bragging. So, what happened?"

Sophie explained all the details. "Then, I was leaning against him, and he leaned down and kissed me!" She wasn't going to share what he'd said; that felt too personal.

"O. M. G!" Biana squealed, jumping up and down. "Was it on the lips?"

"Nah," Sophie said, her face flushing. "Just the cheek."

The Vacker nodded. "Why not the lips?"

"He did try," she admitted. "But he always got interrupted by some wave—that's what he gets for trying to do it in the water."

"Oh, uh-huh." Biana said understandingly. "Hate that. Moving on—have you packed for the sleepover tonight yet?"

Sophie's face went a bit paler. "Thanks for the reminder! What do I need?"

"Sleeping bag, Ella, pillow, makeup, and a change of clothes. You know, the usual." She was dusting eyeshadow across her eyelids as she said this.

"Yeah, okay, but I'm not bringing makeup, much less putting it on," she remarked as she stuffed her bag full of stuff.

"Aww, come on..." Biana whined. 

"No," Sophie said firmly. "That goes for makeovers, too."

She sighed. "Why are you always ruining my fun?"

"Why do you want to give me a makeover?"

"It's just for fun!"

"Whatever." Sophie hung up, feeling dejected as she stomped downstairs. "Mom? Dad?"

"Hmm?" Edaline looked up, her soft fingers tucking her hair behind her ear. Grady glanced up from the pile of scrolls.

"Can I go to a sleepover at Everglen?" She fluttered her eyelids, giving them her best puppy eyes.

"Absolutely!" Edaline rapped on the table.

Grady, on the other hand, was a different story. "Will That Boy be there? What about Fitz?"

"Umm..." Sophie felt her cheeks flush. "I think...maybe."

"Grady, stop giving her a hard time!" Her mother exclaimed, fanning her face. "She can go, it's not like anything is going to happen that we can prevent. She's 16, for goodness sake!"

Her father glowered, but the hard edges on his face softened. "Promise you'll be careful?"

"Of course!" Sophie promised, charging into a hug from her parents. Melting into it, she went up to kiss them both on the cheek. "I love you guys."

"We love you too, Sophie," her parents chimed together.

"I'll be back tomorrow at lunch. 'kay?" She didn't give them a chance to respond before going up the stairs two steps at a time. The Leapmaster gleamed, matching her smile. "Everglen!"

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