Chapter 10-

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Chapter 10- Keefe and Sophie POVS

Sophie POV

Sophie leaned back against the small trunk of Calla's tree, still sniffling quietly. She was starting to calm down now, her steady stream of tears breaking. Tucking in her knees, she wrapped her arms around them, putting her head on top and relaxing.

"Foster?" She glanced down to see Keefe, studying her, concerned. Climbing up, he sat on the same thick branch that she was sitting on, so that they were face-to-face. "What's wrong?"

She let out a bitter laugh. "Just when you think that you have your life all figured out, someone has to go and ruin it." Instead of looking at him, she let her gaze slide past his broad shoulders, where she could see the ocean and the cliffside pasture.

Keefe was looking seriously ticked off now, she could tell. "Is there any way you could be a bit vaguer?" His ice-blue eyes met hers, pleading. "What's going on, Sophie?"

Her breath sucked in. He never called her Sophie...he must be really serious about this. Sophie pushed herself up, so that she was looking at him right in the eyes. "Fitz asked me out."

Keefe POV

Fitz? Anger bubbled up inside. How dare he try to make a move on his girlfriend. Keefe would've gone to pound him if Sophie wasn't in front of him crying. Now all he could do was put his arm around her. "It's okay, Sophie..."

She leaned into him, wiping her tears away. "Sorry...I know I shouldn't be upset over something so small..."

"Shhh," he shushed her. "This is what it feels like to be normal...everything counts."

"Thanks, Keefe," she whispered, resting her head on his chest. Her smile was the only thing he needed, and it was the perfect moment. Soon she stopped crying, then let out a laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked, curious.

Sophie shook her head, her hair swinging around her. "It's just something that human kids used to's almost what we're doing now."

"Well, what are we missing?"

For some reason, her face flushed at the question. "The kiss." When he didn't reply, she took it the wrong way. "The rhyme would be for us, Keefe and Sophie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. But, you don't have to do that."

"Says who?" Keefe asked teasingly, leaning in closer. "Hmm?"

Sophie's face went tomato red, and she was kind of speechless.


Author's Note-

So sorry for the wait, I was a bit busy this week. Please vote and review.


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