Chapter 6-

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Chapter 6-

Sophie had definitely had fun at their hangout session, but now she was with Biana and Linh, trying to understand why Biana insisted on her wearing a bikini and waterproof makeup. "So, we're going to something involving Selkie skin?" She knew that it had something to do with water, but she didn't think that elves had beaches or water slides, which was a shame.

"No, silly," her friend replied, rolling her teal eyes. "I would tell you and say duh, but he's sworn me to secrecy."

She sighed. "Probably does have something to do with Selkie skin." Studying Linh's soft, flowy hair, she confessed, "I still can't believe he actually asked me out." Sophie had only told the girls today, and both of them had rushed over immediately.

Linh smiled. "It was totally obvious he was into you. Honestly, I think Fitz totally is too. What are you going to tell him and the other guys, by the way? I mean, I seriously doubt Keefe is going to keep his mouth shut about you two dating."

Biana shrugged. "All I know is that she's right; he's totally into you. Fitz has been mooning over you for a while now."

Sophie gulped. "Wait, really?" All of the pressure suddenly seemed piled onto her shoulders.

"Yeah, you really need to break it to him gently," Biana said in her usual way, causally checking her nails. "I would ask your boyfriend to keep quiet for now. We won't tell."

"He's not my—" Sophie stopped. They were dating now, so technically, he was her boyfriend, and she was his girlfriend.

Linh was studying Biana. "You're not jealous? I know you have a crush on him."

"You're not jealous? I know you have a crush on Fitz."

"I'm hoping he realizes it on his own," Linh said, ducking her head. "You?"

"Nah," she said. "I got over him—now I just can't decide between Dex and Tam—they're both adorable."

"Dex likes you, I can tell," Sophie said, looking in the mirror. "Whoa, you guys have really outdone yourselves."

"Ditto for Tam," Linh remarked. "Sophie, you look really pretty, now all we have to do really, is wait for your guy to arrive."

"Great." She flopped on the bed. "While we're on this topic, let's solve the Tam-Biana-Dex love triangle, shall we?"

"Good idea," the two girls chimed, plopping down next to her. Linh glanced at Biana. "What do you like about Dex?"

"Well, he's really sweet, kind, and super cute. Dex is always there when you need him; he puts his feelings aside for you. Downsides are, he tends to get jealous and isn't exactly popular with my brother."

"And what about my brother?"

"Tam's not cute, I'd say he's handsome. He's got really nice hair, too. He is nice, and really hot. He's supportive, protective. Downsides are, he can be a bit moody."

"Wow," Sophie commented. "I can see why you're facing this with us—it's literally an ultimatum!"

"I know," Linh agreed. "So, who are you going to choose?"

"Gosh," Biana said. "I have no clue."

"Just go with whoever asks you out first," Sophie suggested. "It's what I did. It saves you a lot of thought, and then you can find if you really like that elf."

"I probably will do that," she agreed. "I just don't know how to choose!" Turning to Linh she raised an eyebrow. "You don't like Dex? I always thought you had a crush on both him and my brother."

The shy elf shrugged. "Dex is super cute, and I do have a bit of a crush on him, but I think I like Fitz more. Besides," she added, with a gleam in her eyes, "I know you like him a lot, and I'd rather you choose your guy first. I'm not super into romance, and I know how much it means to you."

"Aw, thanks," The Vacker gushed, before turning on Sophie. "Even though I know you're probably going to hurt my brother, I just want to tell you that if you start dating Fitz or anything, your private life is going to go viral. Vackers are literally famous, and I know you are too, but that would be a huge buzz."

Sophie shuddered. "Thanks for telling me—I do not want that happening."

Linh laughed. "There is literally going to be crying in the Foxfire halls when someone starts dating Fitz—once they know that you and Keefe are a thing, some poor girl will be crying her room."

Sophie's eyebrows shot up. "Keefe isn't super famous or anything, right?"

"In Foxfire he is," joked a new voice. All of them turned, only to see Edaline. "Sophie, your date is at the door."

Her eyes went wide. "Okay. Grady isn't here, right?"

"Um," her mother shuffled her feet. "He's due back any minute, so I would go quickly if I were you."

She didn't need to be told twice. Making her way across the room, Sophie gave her friends an apologetic smile before picking up her skirts and sprinting down the stairs at top speed.

Keefe was already on the couch, lounging. When he saw her, his jaw dropped. "You know that we're going somewhere that involves water, right?"

Sophie bobbed her head up and down like an idiot before taking his arm and dragging him out the door. "Grady's supposed to be here any minute; we need to go."

Her boyfriend went pale. "Wait, seriously?" He pulled out a blue crystal and pulled her into the created light.


Author's Note-

I wanna know what you guys think—Tam or Dex for Biana? Fitz for Linh? Or would Dex be better? Help me decide, please!


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