Chapter 4-

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Keefe's POV

Be there or be square? What was I thinking? Keefe wondered as he fumbled for his home crystal. That's like, the lamest joke in the Universe. Sure, Sophie had taught it to him, but come on, it was a human joke!

His thoughts were always short-circuited when he talked to Sophie, but normally he could at least joke around without getting flustered. It was probably because he was trying to ask her out.

As soon as he'd suggested hanging out together, her emotions had turned surprised, kind of scared, confused, and nothing more. Well, not that he had detected. Then he'd taken it back, and her emotions turned to relief, confusion, and...maybe a tiny bit of appeal. But not enough to overtake what she felt for Fitz. Keefe knew that firsthand.

Shivering, Keefe spun it to the special facet he'd made: the one straight to his room. He'd made it with his mom's old kit. Another chill went up his spine.

Lady Gisela had...well, he didn't know. He missed her, more than anyone would understand. He doubted even Sophie knew this much pain. Every time his mom crossed his mind, the pain felt fresh as ever. Stupid, stupid ogres.

Stepping into the beam of light he'd cast, Keefe sat on his bed, eyeing every one of the hiding spots in his room. It was mostly just his pranking supplies, except for a few things. Making sure to lock the door, he took in a breath. Standing on his chair, he lifted his mirror, putting it on the floor on its back. Putting his fingerprint on the keypad, he watched as a small drawer opened up inside of it, a thin, shallow hiding place. Dex had helped him create this, and a few other things, in exchange for not being pranked for the next year. Keefe had made his friend promise that he wouldn't access it ever. Now he pulled out a thin slip of paper. Keefe, I'm doing this for you. Love, Mom. Fresh tears stung his eyes as he squeezed them shut in pain, refusing to cry. He'd done enough grieving; besides, it was pathetic—Keefe Sencen wasn't supposed to cry. Sophie would say otherwise, he knew, and the thought made him smile. Folding the note up again, he shut the tiny drawer, hearing the satisfying click noise that it made.

Stacking the mirror back on its stand, he was looking at the elf he saw there, it looked nothing like what anyone at Foxfire would think.

Sighing, he leaped to Foxfire. After walking through some other halls, he came across Foster by her locker. Ducking behind the door, he leaned against the lockers casually.

Wham! Sophie shut her locker, only to turn and yelp. "Keefe! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"What's a heart attack?" He asked. Then he blinked. "That's not what I was here to talk about, though."

She only sighed. "A heart attack is when someone scares you so badly that your heart stops beating." She glanced it him, curiosity shining in her eyes. "What did you want to talk about me, then?"

Keefe nervously mussed his hair, then combed it back in spikes. "Well, maybe after our hangout session we could actually go on a date?" He'd been thinking about this a lot, and he wanted to take the opportunity while she was available.

"Sure," she blurted eagerly, then covered her mouth and blushed. "I mean, I guess that I will." She was embarrassed now, but a strong sense of relief seemed to be the main emotion.

"Cool," he only said. Walking away, he yelled over his shoulder, "It's a date, Foster!" This turned several heads in the hallway. His first session was with Lady Belva, so he ditched and spent the time thinking of what he and Foster could do.

Eventually, he decided on taking her to a beach—a human one—with a picnic and a telescope. Besides, he wanted to see just how cute she looked in a bathing suit.

Surprisingly, the whole day went by rather fast, and he found himself thinking about Sophie for most of it. Licking the panel on the gate, he watched as it swung open, then got on the Vortinator. Hailing his dad, he said, "Guess what?"

Lord Cassius didn't even glance at his son. "It's prank day?" He asked dryly.

"Well, yeah, but it's always prank day. I got a date!"

His father dropped his pen. "Wait—you actually got a date? It's that Sophie girl, isn't it?"

"'Course it's Foster," Keefe said, spiking his hair. "No girl can resist the Keefster, which, by the way, is Keefoster now!"

"What's your point?" Lord Cassius asked.

"My point," Keefe said irritably, "is that if you aren't nice to her, there will be some nasty revenge coming your way." He knew he shouldn't be talking to his dad this way, but when had he ever cared about his son's life? He hung up, tucking his imparter in his belt. 

Calling out to the Vortinator, "One thirty-three!" He watched it spin to life, whipping him up fast.

As soon as he stepped off the Vortinator, his imparter buzzed. Glancing down, he smiled. It was Foster. Running his hand through his hair, he tapped the imparter, and her face showed up. "Foster! He greeted.

"Keefe!" She said back.

"So, what's up?" He asked, hoping that she wasn't going to cancel at last minute.

"Well," she said, avoiding his eyes. "I might've told Grady and he might've...."

Keefe groaned. "Exploded, right? Then went on and on about 'That Boy.'"

She laughed. "No, not even close. He reacted well, actually. The only thing is that you are totally going to have to suffer through a lecture."

"Really?" Keefe asked, surprised. "Wow, he's come a long way."

"I know, right?"

"You know I would do anything for you, Foster." He was actually serious this time, and it seemed to stop her in her tracks.

Sophie blushed. "The other thing I wanted to talk to you about was...well, what am I supposed to wear?"

Biana's face popped onto the screen. "At least tell me! I need to make her look good. Also, you guys are totally adorable."

Keefe's face went super red, and his mouth kind of fell open. "You heard all of that?"

It was Biana's turn to blush. "Um, yeah, maybe. But seriously, I need you to tell me."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved it away, looking at Sophie. "Foster, aren't you supposed to be over here with me for that hangout session?"

"Hangout session?" Biana, screamed, turning on Sophie. "You never told me about this!"

"It's not like I actually need to get makeup on or anything, we're just hanging out!" She protested, looking at him.

"No, it's not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Ladies, ladies," Keefe said. "I'm sure there's enough of me to go around. "Just—"

Both of them glared at him, and Biana hung up on the imparter.

"—chill out." He finished to an empty imparter.


Author's Note-

Thank you so much for reading this story you guys! I really do love writing for you all; I am going to do lots in the future! 

This should be updated every day for a while, so keep your eyes open wide.


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