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"Hello Lexa" the man gave her a mischievous smile.

"Thelonious" Lexa greeted obviously not happy see him at this time.

A very confused Clarke looked between the two of them "Lexa, you know him?" Clarke had never seen this man in her life and she would have remembered a face like that but his voice did sound familiar. The man had a scar just below his eye and a bald head but something about his posture screamed terror.

"The TV doesn't do the president justice" Thelonious smirked at the blonde Lexa balled her fist ready to plunge it deep into his face.

"Keep her out of this" Lexa took a step in front of Clarke "What do you want?" Lexa hissed.

"If you go back on our terms then innocent people will die and their deaths will be on you" he plainly said.

And that's when Clarke knew exactly who he was the man who took Lexa away from her so many years ago the man that told her that Lexa's death would be on her. The man with the foreign accent it was so clear to her now. Clarke swore if she ever found out who he was he would pay with his life. Clarke shoved Lexa out the way and lunged right at the ridiculously large man. "You son of a Bitch!" Clarke yelled.

Thelonius does one quick move and Clarke is knocked out. Lexa immediately rushes to her side looking up at the man she despised. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!" Lexa yelled even though no one could hear her. Clarke picked the wrong day to send away her guards for tonight.

The man laughs. "She's fine although she'll probably wake up with a headache" Thelonius had a playful smile on his face and Lexa wanted to smack it right off.

"The deal is off" Lexa said checking on Clarke one last time before standing to get into his personal space. "You leave my wife and my family alone I don't work for you anymore I paid my debt now get the fuck out of here" Lexa had her fist balled ready to spring into action if necessary.

Thelonius holds up his hands up in defense he has taught Lexa well over the last five years she was almost as good of a fighter as he is. But he was to full of himself to believe that she could kill him. What he doesn't know is that the saying is true sometimes the learner does become the master. "Fine I'll be in town for a while. I'll leave alone for now" he smiles heading towards there door. "Don't make the same mistake twice" he said before leaving.


Clarke woke up trying to remember how she got in bed but some of the pieces were missing from the puzzle. Clarke sat up and she sadly regretted it her head was pounding. Clarke rubbed her temples trying to ease the pain. It was morning now the light shone through the windows making her aware of that. Clarke looked around and saw a glass of water and two painkillers sitting on the nightstand she took them gulping them down with water. As Clarke sat the glass of water down she looked at the picture of Lexa that always sat next to her bed. "Lexa" Clarke whispered to herself until it dawned on her that no one was in the bed next to her. "Lexa!" Clarke yelled frantically moving in the bed trying to find that warm body that she had laid next to since her wife had been back.

"Clarke I'm right here my love" Lexa rushed out of the bathroom to pull her wife into a embrace. Clarke buried her head into the crook of Lexa's neck breathing in the smell of her. Lexa stroked her slender fingers through her wife's hair soothing her. "I'm right here I'm not going anywhere" she whispered softly trying to calm her wife.

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