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The next day Lexa took it upon herself to have Clarke followed for safety reasons. It wasn't her just being nosy and wanting to know what Clarke was doing every second of the day like some jealous significant other it was her only way to protect Clarke, her Clarke the one she'd die and live for all at once.

The guy who was to follow Clarke told Lexa he would update her throughout the days on Clarke's whereabouts. So here she was sitting at the very end of the meeting table at her job staring at her phone hoping to see if her spy guy (is what Anya called him) will give her any good news about her wife.

"Lexa? Lexa!" Wells snapped his fingers.

"Huh? What?" Lexa straightened up in her chair. "I'm sorry what were you saying?" It was slightly strange to know that Wells is the son of the man who captured her and took her away from her family for five years. Wells was a sweet guy maybe he was clueless after all but Clarke wanted to be sure of his innocence and Lexa doesn't blame her for wanting to know the truth.

"I was asking if you wanted us to inspect Mr. Walkerson's house?" Wells repeated himself for the third time today.

"And I was telling tweedle dumb over here if the cops has already inspected it and found nothing then that means it was obviously wiped clean by someone which means it would be pointless to take another look" Murphy rolled his eyes and started searching for more evidence on the case.

"You both have solid points" Lexa clasped her hands together. "But Wells is right we should give it a second look" Lexa read over the police files and tilted her head to the side. "The cops thoroughly checked everything in the house...." Lexa rubbed her chin "but they didn't think to use a black light for any blood stains because they believe that the murder didn't happen inside of the house but maybe it did?" Lexa stood up from her seat. "Harper bring me anything you have on the Walkersons family."

"Aye aye Captain" she nods and rushes towards her office.

"Murphy bring Mr. Walkersons brother down for questioning. His alibi doesn't add up and try to find out what kind of motive he would have to kill his own brother." Murphy sighs rolling his eyes while getting up and heading to his office. Lexa had gotten used to Murphy's attitude she has come to realize that he's just a natural asshole.

Lexa and Wells were the only two left in the meeting room.

"You've been doing a great job at leading this team" Wells spoke first. "I think we were falling apart until you showed up to save the day."

"Yeah? Well I'm no hero" Lexa said stacking her papers into a neat pile.

"You are, at least to us. Thank you, again for giving this job a chance." Wells smiled and it made Lexa feel bad that she could ever think a man like him could ever do what his father did to her. But if anything, Lexa has learned, you can't judge a book by its cover and that's the honest truth. Not everything is what it seems to be.

"Thank you for the opportunity. I have to go run some errands I'll be back in a hour call me if you have any leads on the case" Lexa grabbed her things and headed for the door.

"Hey Lexa!" Wells called out before she got the chance to leave. Lexa slowly turned to face him "Yes?"

"How's Clarke? I haven't spoken to her since dinner at my house. She hasn't answered any of my calls or text. Is something wrong?" Wells seemed genuinely concerned.

"She's fine. She's the president after all" Lexa joked.

Wells forced a laugh. "Yeah, you have a point. I'll see you later." Lexa waved a goodbye and left out of the meeting room.

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