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Clarke and Lexa sat on the ballroom floor with music playing softly in the background. Clarke hadn't said a word for a whole minute. Lexa was starting to worry like whatever Clarke was going to say would change everything between the two of them.

Clarke took one last breath before speaking. "I wasn't in Russia for Presidential business. At least not the entire time." Clarke looked up trying to decipher Lexa's face expression her eyes revealed nothing so Clarke continued anyway "I went to go meet up with a old colleague who investigate in kidnappings from America to foreign countries" Clarke still didn't get a read on Lexa's eyes so she started to talk again. "I asked him to look into the name Thelonious and well his last name is Jaha and..." Clarke was cut off by Lexa standing up and walking towards the exit of the ballroom. Clarke quickly stood and jogged after her grabbing her arm. Lexa snatched away.

"I told you to let this go! Why can't you just let it go!" Lexa yelled causing Clarke to flinch.

"Because he took the woman I love away from me for five years he doesn't get the luxury of getting away with this. He deserves to suffer the way I did every day in agony pain and every night with a bottle of rum. He doesn't get to win" Clarke bit back and Lexa sighed.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into Clarke you need to drop this before I lose you too" Lexa started to walk towards the exit again while Clarke watched her.

"What do you mean lose me too?" Clarke shouted. Lexa continued to walk up the stairs of the ballroom. "Lexa!" she kept walking ignoring her wife. "Thelonious is the father of Wells, Wells Jaha is his son!" Lexa stopped at the top of the stairs she didn't turn around she just stood there for a minute.

"What?" she whispered to no one.

The Next Day

"Raven don't do this we can talk this out. How many times do I have to apologize?" Anya chased after Raven who was packing up her things in their room.

"Octavia is waiting for me in the car I have to go" Raven grabbed her suitcase and dufflebag ready to head out the door but Anya quickly blocked the exit.

"Just hear me out please it's been a month I can't take this anymore" Anya hardly ever cried she was just like her mother strong for almost everyone but today something broke her more than anything, losing her wife.

Raven set her things down and crossed her arms. "I'm listening" Raven didn't give into her wife's crying sure she hated seeing Anya cry but she still didn't forget and forgive so easily.

"I..." Anya sighed. "You can't let this one thing break us up I'm sorry for keeping the secret for so long but I won't apologize for protecting you from false hope. If I had told you Lexa was alive you wouldn't stop looking but you would stop living and Lexa didn't want that for you my mom or even Clarke. She wanted you guys to live your lives and not worry about whether she was alive or not." Anya wiped the few tears the spewed from her eyes.

"Then what made you so special huh?" Raven took a step closer. "If you kept this secret for so long how do I know you're not keeping any other secrets from me." she squinted eyes at Anya clearly still furious.

"I don't know Raven I guess she just wanted someone anyone to know she was still out there" Anya had the softest eyes when she looked at Raven she doesn't know how they got here but she would do anything to fix it. "That was the only thing I've ever kept from you Raven but it was for your own good. You didn't see yourself when we lost Lexa but I did." Anya took two large steps towards Raven and gently grabbed her hand in hers.

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