Chapter Two ✓

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Feeling around for your phone, you shut off the alarm hastily, throwing off the covers and forcing yourself to no pull them back up as the cold air hit your bare chest. Groaning softly as you sat up, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you ruffled your thick hair, glancing at the clock. 4:33. Barely three minutes have passed and that was how long it took for you to get up and out of bed. Fuck it was early. Too early to get ready for school, but again, you wanted to avoid family. You don't even know why you call them that, they couldn't be considered a family.

Striding over to your closet, you grabbed some clothes, throwing them on and ruffled your hair, rubbing your eyes. Softly picking up Foxxie, you placed them in your pocket and threw two chocolate bars into your bag, slinging that over your shoulder. Heading out of the house by 4:59, you made sure no one knew. Not like they'd miss you.

You lived in a large apartment in Saint-Georges, a good hour and seven-minute walk to College Francoise Dupon and another 43 minutes to get to your favorite bakery, Boulangerie Poilâne. So, in all, close to a two-hour walk, with another 43 minutes back to the school. By the time you actually got to school, it was 7:48 and you still had 12 minutes till classes start. You took your normal seat, noticing Alya and Marinette already there while Nino and Adrien weren't at school yet. Witha soft and relieved sigh, you dropped your head on the desk and (accidentally) fell asleep.

The feeling of a hand shaking your shoulder woke you up in not a very calm way. Freaking out about who was touching you, you jumped to the side and off the seat, smacking the back of your head against the one across from you. You didn't acknowledge the pain throbbing in your skull, your arm up and covering your face in defense, eyes wide and locked onto Adrien's green ones. The class was silent, everyone holding their breath. You were breathing harder than you should have been.

Tears stung your eyes as you began realizing how many people were staring at you and you could almost tell when Chloe was about to call you out. Not wanting to stay for that, you shot up and grabbed your bag, running out of the classroom and into the boy's bathroom, throwing your bag across the room. You were hyperventilating, a panic attack rising at your throat. Your hands tangled themselves in your hair, pulling at it, the itch to inflict some type of pain on yourself pressing hard in your brain. A sob wrenched through your mouth, many more soon following after. Your back slammed against the wall and you slid down, curling up into a ball.

"Y/n! Y/n, you need to calm down, breathe!" Foxxie's voice was distant but frantic, their tiny paws pressing against your cheek.

"I think he went in here," another voice shouted, near the bathroom door.

Foxxie flew off to hide as the door swung open pretty violently two sets of footsteps echoing as they ran towards you.

"Y/n? Y/n." someone grabbed your wrist softly, trying to pry your hands from your hair.

A scream slipped through your throat as you thrashed away from them, trying to get away, but they held a tight grip. You thought they were going to smack you or hit you. You braced for it, tensing up but continued to try and get away. It was bad, you haven't had an attack like this in a long time. Normally people wouldn't try to touch you or go around you because of how cold you were to them.

Whoever was with the first person wrapped their arms around your shoulders and held you against their chest, restricting your movement, and practically making the situation worse. They said something to the first person and their hands disappeared from your wrists, allowing you more movement. Instantly, your hands shot up to grab the second person's arms, scratching a pulling at them but they did nothing but hold you tightly.

"Y/n, I need you to calm down; listen to my voice and know you're okay. You aren't hurt, no one's hurting you, nothing bad is happening," they muttered. Their voice sounded familiar, like two people you knew but... you couldn't exactly pinpoint it. Other than recognition, the softness and calming tone they used broke through the thoughts that blocked your mind. "Breathe, Y/n, you're holding it." You listened to them and exhaled, relaxing against them. "Good, good. You're calm, that-that's good."

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